Kubla Khan | Questions And Answers | Class 11

Question and answers of the poem kubla khan by samuel taylor coleridge.
DR Gurung

Questions and answers of "Kubla Khan". "Kubla Khan" was written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. S.T. Coleridge was a great romantic poet. He was an opium eater and he had eaten opium just before writing this poem. He was sleeping and in the dream he saw this dream. He got up and started writing this poem about Kubla Khan. In the middle, a business man came and disturbed. So this poem was left incomplete. This poem describes an ideal luxurios house in Xanadu. The place is very beautiful where Alph river goes underground. The trees are flowering and giving scent. It is very mysterious and miraculous place. It is a part of heaven. It is imaginative place.

Also Read:

Kubla Khan - WordMeanings And Translation In Nepali

Kubla Khan - Summary In English

Question-Answers Of 'Kubla Khan':

Question No. 1: The first two parts of the poem (ii. 1-96) are description. (कविताको पहिलो दुई भागहरु व्याख्याहरु हुन्। )

i. Of what ? (के को बारेमा ?)

Answer: Of the pleasure-dome in Xanadu decreed ( आदेश दिईएको ) by Kubla Khan.

ii. How big is it ? (यो कति ठूलो छ ? )

Answer: It covers the land of ten miles.

iii. What grows there ? ( त्यहाँ के उम्रन्छ ? )

Answer: There grow 'innocence-bearing' trees.

iv. What two things emerge from the fountain ? (झरनादेखि के के दुई चिजहरु निस्कन्छन् ? )

Answer: 'Huge fragments' and 'the sacred rivers' emerge from the fountain.

v. What lines echo lines 3 to 5 ? ( पंक्ति ३ देखि ५ सम्म कुन पंक्तिहरुको प्रति ध्वनि आउँछ ? )

Answer: The lines 26 and 27 echo lines 3 to 5.

vi. What negative sound does Kubla hear ? ( कुब्लाले के नकारात्मक आवाज सुन्दछन् ? )

Answer: Kubla Khan hears sound of "Ancestral voices prophesying war".

vii. What is the importance of 'decree'? Do you think the 'pleasure-dome' was ever built or only 'decreed'? ( 'आदेश' शब्दको के महत्व छ ? आनन्दको महल कहिल्यै बन्यो होला जस्तो लाग्छ ? वा यो केवल आदेश मात्र गरिएको थियो ? )

Answer: The importance of the word 'decree' is order and power of Kubla Khan. 'So' proves that his ordered was obeyed. The pleasure dome was built.

Question No. 2: The third part of the poem seems at first to have nothing to do with the earlier parts.
i. Who is speaking ? ( को बोल्दैछ ? )

Answer: The poet is speaking.

ii. What does he remember ? ( ऊ के सम्झन्छ ? )

Answer: He remembers the vision of an Abyssinian maid.

iii. What does he want to do with the vision ? Why ? ( ऊ दृष्य सँग के गर्न चाहन्छ ? किन ? )

Answer: He wants to recall the sound of that vision because he would then in deep delight, be able to recreate the pleasure-dome.

iv. What would be in the result ? ( यसको परिणाम के होला ? )

Answer: The result would be that everyone could see that sunny dome, those caves of ice and would consider the poet a man enchanted, a man who had seen a vision of heaven and brought it back to the earth.

v. In what way would 'I' or 'him' be similar to Kubla Khan ? ( कसरि 'I' र 'him' कुब्ला खाँ सँग समान होलान् ? )

Answer: He would have great power, if he were able to create such a great pleasure-dome.

vi. What does the vision of the 'damsel with dulcimer' represent to the poet ? ( "तार वाजा सहितको कुमारी" को काल्पनिक दृष्यले कविलाई के प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दछ ? )

Answer: The 'damsel with dulcimer' represent some kind of perfect harmony of sight and sound to the poet.

Question No. 3: Is it possible to draw the power geography ? Does the attempt to do so throw any light on the meaning ? ( कविताको भूगोल खिच्न सम्भव छ ? यस्तो प्रयासले कुनै अर्थ बताउन सक्छ ? )

Answer: Coleridge has presented the visual symbols which the readers can visualize when they read the poem. In this poem, the ideas of perfection and other places are important which can be drawn in the map. The map also brings out some of the opposite in the poem like 'fountain', 'sunless sea', 'caverns', 'artificial caves', 'sunny spots of greenery', 'savage place', etc. Another kind of completed map will look something like this.

Question No. 4: What is the relationship between the first two parts of the poem and the third part ? Are the pleasure dome and the vision of the damsel similar ? ( कविताको पहिलो दुई खण्ड र तेश्रो खण्डको बीच के सम्बन्ध छ ? आनन्द विलाशी भवन र कन्याको दृष्य उस्तै छन्। )

Answer: The pleasure dome of the poem is a kind of perfection of the both holy and enchanted which means savage place and the 'deep romantic chasm' as is the vision of 'damsel with a dulcimer'. The poet too would become 'holy and enchanted' himself the 'symphony and song' of the vision.

Question No. 5: Most of the poem is written in the past tense. Pick out the lines which are in another tense. Can you say why they are not in the past tense ? Why are the last two lines in the past tense ? ( प्राय: कविताहरु भूतकालमा लेख्छिन्। अर्को कालमा लेखिएका कविताका पंक्तिहरु टिप्नुहोस्। तिनीहरु किन भूत कालमा नलेखिएका होलान् ? किन अन्तिम २ पंक्तिहरु भूतकालमा लेखिएका हुन् ? )

Answer: Lines 42 to 49 are conditional based on the hypothetical revival of the 'symphony and song'. The 'cry' is in the present tense because the poet who had such a vision would now be worthy of such reverence because of the fact of having fed 'on honey-dew' and drunk the milk of paradise. If the poet had built that dome in air, it could only have been through heavenly vision.

Question No. 6: Contrast the positive aspects of the vision with any negative aspects you have found. Is the poem a positive celebration of the vision, or does it express more regret at its transitory nature ? ( तपाइले पाएको नकारात्मक पक्षहरु सकारात्मक पक्ष सँग दाज्नुहोस्। के कविताले सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोणको प्रशंसा गर्छ वा यो क्षणिक प्रकृतिको भएकोले पश्चाताप प्रकट गर्छ ? )

Answer: Directly, there are not any negative words but there are limitations of the vision, because it is a matter of self-contained area. The vision of the 'damsel' too is circumscribed ( सिमित गरिएको ) by its transitoriness, as the pleasure-dome was by it's topography ( भौगोलिक वर्णन ). Both are an idealized as Brooke's fishy heaven.

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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