The Use of Force - Unit One | Power and War | Summary | Question-Answers
Vocabulary For "The Use Of Force":
WordMeanings |
excusing an offence ( क्षमा प्रार्थी )
a person by sign or gesture ( ईशाराले देखायो )
me up and down
closely ( नियालेर नजिक बाट हेर्दै )
eating me up
devouring me, or taking me all in ( प्रष्ट सँग निल्दै, बल्ड्याङ्रग्रे आँखाले हेर्दै )
young female cow ( गाईको बाछी )
wonderful ( भब्य )
become red ( रातो भएको )
extravagance, plentifulness ( प्रचुरता )
children who photograph well ( राम्रो तस्वीर भएका आकर्षक बच्चाहरु )
section of the Sunday papers
special part of source Sunday papers that include special photographs ( बिशेष खाले तस्वीर अङ्कित आईतबारे अखबारको अंश )
a trial shot
a guess ( अनुमान गर्यो )
contagious disease in the throat ( घाँटीमा लाग्ने सम्पर्कबाट सर्ने रोग, भ्यागुते रोग )
the child by flattery ( फुर्क्याएर बच्चा फर्कायो )
suddenly in the manner of an animal or bird ( जनावर या चरोले जस्तो गरेर नङग्रायो )
themselves in side in embarrassment and apology
themselves in being embarrassed and in apologizing ( दिक्दारी मान्न र क्षमायाचना गर्ने कुरामा धेरै नै अघि बढ्यो )
( कुरा काट्यो, हस्तक्षप गर्यो )
specimen of bacteria in the throat area ( घाँटीको बिशेष परिक्षण )
( चेतावनी दियो )
untamed child ( अनियन्त्रित बच्चो )
( घिन लाग्दो )
( त्यसपछि भएको )
crushed, exhausted
defeated, tired ( दु:खित, पराजित, थकित )
rage ( अनियन्त्रित क्रोध )
( डर, भय, त्राश )
pain ( सहन नसकिने पिडा, बेदना )
tongue depressor
narrow flat instrument pressing down the tongue to examine the throat ( घाँटी जाँच्न प्रयोग गरिने एक औजार )
clenched teeth
teeth held tightly together ( दाँत किटेर )
( निराश भएर )
myself down
myself ( आफैंलाई नियन्त्रण गर्न )
to grind ( टोकेर टुक्र्याउने वा धुलो पार्ने दाँत )
fragments ( टुक्राहरू )
( अति उत्तेजित )
stopped ( रोकियो )
got beyond reason
lost control of himself ( नियन्त्रण गुमायो )
to drive ( हाँक्ने शक्ति )
( श्वास रोकियो )
( बहादुरी पूर्बक )
just such an out come as this
avoid having her secret discovered ( गोप्य कुरा पत्ता लगाउन बाट रोक्नु )
नेपालीमा सारांश (Translation In Nepali Of "The Use Of Force" :
The Use Of Force - Summary 'Translation in Nepali language' is provided in comment section. Thanks.
Summary in English Of "The Use Of Force":
The sick child looked at the doctor with her eyes wide open to show her protest but did not move at all. She was an attractive and strong child. Now she was breathing rapidly. The doctor knew that she had a high fever for three days. There were many sick persons around. The doctor asked if she had a soar throat. The parents replied together that she had not. There were many students suffering from diphtheria in her school. He called her by her first name, which was Mathilda. He told her to open her mouth to inspect her throat but she did not obey him. The mother assured that he would not hurt her. The doctor, however, did not like the mother's expression. The sick child nearly clawed the doctors eyes. His glasses dropped to the kitchen floor. Mathilda's parents were ashamed. They spoke the words of apology. The mother shook the sick child by her arm. The doctor now broke in. He said that he was to examine her throat anyway. Therefore, either the child had to open her mouth or he would have to open it for her.
She did not move at all. She began to breathe faster. Then the fight began. The doctor said that if the parents took the responsibility, he would not examine her throat. The father then tried his best to open her mouth but could not do it. The doctor told the father to put her in his lap and hold her wrists. Then the child began to scream. She said that they were killing her. The doctor grasped the child's head with his left hand and pressed the instrument between her teeth. He tried his best to examine the throat but he could not. The child broke his instrument instead. The doctor then asked for some kind of spoon to open her mouth, which was already bleeding. Her tongue was cut so she shrieked hysterically. The doctor was also furious. He could have torn the child apart. But he had a social duty to perform. He had to protect the child and protect the other also. Therefore, he finally used his force to examine her throat. He discovered that she had a sore throat for three days and struggling hard to keep her secret. Now she was truly furious and began to attack. She had only been defensive before. She tried to get off her father's lap and fly at the doctor while her eyes were full of tears of defeat.
Question-Answers Of "The Use Of Force":
(2). Why does the doctor respect the child but find the parents "contemptible" ? ( डाक्टर ले किन बच्चाको सम्मान गर्छन् तर बाबु आमालाई घृणा योग्य पाउँछन् ? )
(3). What does the story tell us about the use of force ? How is the doctor affected by resorting to the use of force ? How is the child affected by being forced to open her mouth against her will ? ( शक्तिको प्रयोगका बारेमा कथाले हामीलाई के भन्छ ? आखिरमा शक्तिको प्रयोग गर्न पुग्दा चिकित्सकलाई के असर परेको छ ? )
Answer: In this story force is used as a useful means of doing something. The child is sick but she does not want to open her mouth and it is impossible to examine her throat without using force. So, the story says it is justifiable to use force if it is done for a good cause. The doctor is largely affected by the use of force. He is furious and he loses reasoning also. At this, he becomes hard, cruel, almost brutal ( पाशविक ). Eventually the doctor becomes successful. When he completes his mission, he is releaved ( हल्का ) but the child is badly affected by the use of force against her will. She tries her best to keep her secret but eventually she is overpowered ( पराजित ) by stronger force and her eyes are blinded by tears of defeat. Then the child, who had been defensive so far, turns to attack violently the doctor who comes to prevent him from dying.
(4). Describe the relationship of the parents to the child. ( बच्चाको बाबु आमा सँगको सम्बन्धको बर्णन गर्नुहोस् । )
Answer: The parents had the daughter who had been suffering from diphtheria for a few days. She had got sore throat but she did not like to reveal ( देखाउन ) this secret even to her parents. The parents also could not open her mouth to look at the throat. This shows that the child was not obedient to her parents. She had not been close to her parents. It seems that mother was responsible for not making her child responsive ( प्रतिक्रिया जनाउने, सहयोगी ) to others. If the parents had taught the child to be responsible, she would have opened her mouth to examine the throat. This is why the doctor loved the child but he found the parents contemptible. Thus, he finds that the parents do not have the cordial ( सुमधुर ) relationship with the child.
(5). Write a paragraph about the reaction of the child during the crisis. ( अफ्ठेरो बेलामा बच्चाले देखाएको प्रतिक्रिया बारे एक अनुच्छेद लेख्नुहोस् । )
Answer: The sick child struggled hard not to allow the doctor to inspect her throat. In order to do so, the doctor had to open her mouth forcibly by using tongue depressor and wooden spatula. But the child broke the wooden blade to pieces. The doctor then tried to open her mouth by using a spoon. The child's mouth was already bleeding. Her tongue was cut and she screamed wildly. At this, the doctor also got beyond reason. He wished he could have torn the child apart. Then finally he overpowered the child and opened her mouth forcibly to examine the throat. He discovered that she had sore throat. Thus, the doctor got victorious ( बिजयी ) but the child blinded her eyes with the tears of defeat.
(6). Do you think a doctor's use of force like this on a patient is justifiable ? Give reason for your answer. ( तपाईको विचारमा बच्चा माथि चिकित्सकको यस खालको शक्ति प्रयोग गर्नु उचित थियो त ? कारण दिनुहोस् । )
Answer: If the child and her parents had been responsible, the doctor could have easily examined her sore throat. He might have persuaded her to open her mouth. If the child's parents had helped him to open her mouth for him, he should not have used force to do it. But the doctor had to use force to save the child's life. As a doctor, he also had to protect others from the sick child because diphtheria was a venereal disease. He had a social duty to perform. Therefore, he decided to use force to open her mouth to examine her throat condition. It was necessary for the doctor to know what actually had happened to the child. Thus, it is justifiable to use force for a good cause. It us sometimes good to do bad thing if the consequences are right.
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ओल्सन बाहेक डाक्टरले उपचार गर्नुपर्ने बिरामी कोही थिएन । ओल्सनले उनलाई आफ्नी बिरामी छोरीको उपचार गर्न आउनु भनेका थिए । डाक्टर बिरामी भएको घर पुग्दा बिरामी बच्चीकी आमाले उनलाई बोलाएर भित्र लगिन् । विरामी बच्ची भान्सा कोठाको आफ्नो बाबुको काखमा थिई । विरामीको बाबुले उठेर डाक्टरलाई स्वागत गर्ने कोशिश गरे तर डाक्टरले उनलाई बसाए । डाक्टरले कोट फुकालेर यताउता हेर्न थाले । उनीहरुले निरास भएर अबिश्वासको भावले डाक्टरलाई हेरे ।
विरामी बच्चीले ठूला-ठूला आँखाले डाक्टरलाई हेरी । उ, पटक्कै चलिन । आकर्षक र अनौठो बच्ची थिई त्यो । अहिले ऊ छिटो-छिटो श्वास फेर्दै थिई । डाक्टरले थाहा पाए की उसलाई ३ दिन देखी ज्वरो आएको छ । त्यता वरिपरि विरामीहरुको संख्या धेरै थियो । डाक्टरले बच्चीको घाँटी दुखेको छ कि भनेर सोधे, उसका बाबु-आमाले एकै साथ् छैन भने । यो बच्ची पढ्ने बिधालयमा धेरै बिधार्थीहरु दिप्थोरिया रोग द्वारा सताइएका थिए । डाक्टरले विरामी बच्चीको शुरुको नामले उसलाई बोलाए । त्यस बच्चीको नाम माथिल्डा थियो । डाक्टरले उसलाई घाँटी हेर्न मुख खोल्नु भने तर उसले मानिन । माथिल्डाकी आमाले डाक्टरले चोट पुर्याउँदैनन् भनेर आश्वस्त पारिन् । यस शब्दले डाक्टरको चित्त दुख्यो । त्यस केटीले भने डाक्टरको आँखा झन्डै नङग्र्याई । उसले डाक्टरको चस्मा भान्सा कोठाको भूइंमा झारी दिई ।
माथिल्डाका आमा-बाबुले दिक्क माने । आमा चाहिंले त मठिल्दा लाई गाली गर्दै झांगल झुंगल पारेर हल्लाईन् । डाक्टरले चाहिं त्यस अटेर केटीलाई मुख खोलेर घाँटी देखाउन अह्राए साथै त्यसो नगरेमा डाक्टरले नै जबर्जस्ती उसको मुख खोलेर हेर्ने कुरा बताए । तर यसले माथिल्डालाई कुनै असर गरेन ।
विरामी बच्चीको व्यबहार र उसका आमा बाबुको क्रियाकलापले डाक्टरलाई बच्चीको माया र आमा बाबुको घृणा लाग्यो । त्यस बच्चीको बाबु आमा थाके, पराजित भए र हैरान भए । बाबुले सकेसम्म त गर्यो तर केहि सिप चलेन । डाक्टर सामु गम्भीर प्रश्न तेर्सियो-की त शक्ति प्रयोग गरेर बच्चीको मुख खोलेर घाँटी हेर्नु पर्ने भयो की त उसलाई डिप्थेरिया रोगका कारणले मर्न दिनु पर्यो । डाक्टरले विरामीलाई बचाउने निधो गरे । अनि उनले मुख उघारेर हेर्न औजार प्रयोग गरेर घाँटीको परिक्षण गर्ने कोशिश गर्न थाले । पहिले काठको पन्यु प्रयोग गरेर मुख उघार्न खोजे तर सकेनन् । बच्चीको मुखमा रगत आईसकेको थियो । डाक्टरले एउटा चम्चा मागेर उनको मुख खोल्न पुन: कोशिश गरे । एकातिर विरामी बच्चीलाई मर्न बाट जोगाउनु थियो भने अर्को तिर उनि बाट अरुलाई रोग सर्न नदिनु पनि थियो । डाक्टरको निमित्त यो सामाजिक आवस्यकता नै थियो । केहि बेर डाक्टरले सन्तुलन गुमाएर भए पनि आखिरमा बच्चीको मुख खोलेर परिक्षण गरि छाडे । बच्चीलाई डिप्थेरिय नै भएको ठहर गरियो । बच्चीले आफू पराजित भएको महसूस गरि । डाक्टरले आफ्नो कर्तव्य पुरा गरे ।
माथिल्डाका आमा-बाबुले दिक्क माने । आमा चाहिंले त मठिल्दा लाई गाली गर्दै झांगल झुंगल पारेर हल्लाईन् । डाक्टरले चाहिं त्यस अटेर केटीलाई मुख खोलेर घाँटी देखाउन अह्राए साथै त्यसो नगरेमा डाक्टरले नै जबर्जस्ती उसको मुख खोलेर हेर्ने कुरा बताए । तर यसले माथिल्डालाई कुनै असर गरेन ।