The Episode Of War | Summary in English & Nepali | WordMeanings
Summary in english and nepali and word meanings of the story the episode of war.
DR Gurung
Summary In English-Nepali and Word Meanings In Nepali Language Of "The Episode Of War". "The Episode Of War" is written by Stephen Crane. Stephen Crane, an American writer, has written on various themes and has published a number of books. In this story he presents very inhuman picture of war in the front or in the barracks or at the hospital. Here is the picture of a seriously wounded soldier who makes a tremendous effort to live a normal life.
Summary In English Of 'The Episode Of War':
This story presents a very dreadful picture of war not only in the front but also in the barracks or at the hospital.
The lieutenant had poured the coffee on the rubber blanket in order to distribute to other soldiers. Corporals and other men were standing in queue to have their share. The lieutenant divided the coffee proportionately with his sword. Just at that time, he cried out. The other soldiers also cried out when they saw blood upon his sleeve. He moved back staggering. Then he stood straight and looked at the forest where white smoke of gunfire was coming out. The lieutenant's right arm was bleeding so he tried to hold the sword with the left hand. He was unable to put it in the scabbard. His own sword had become strange to him now. At the moment one of the soldiers took the sword and placed it in the scabbard. Then he moved back being nervous. He respected the wounded officer very much because he supposed that the officer was great and that he might die soon if he carelessly touched him. Another man also wanted to help him but the office waved him away sadly. He behaved as if he was suffering from an incurable disease caused by destructive war. The officer left the group.
As he was passing away from the battle, he saw many things which he had not known before. He saw a general on the horse and a person presented him a paper. This scene was very much like a historical painted. A group of soldiers was following him. The movement of horses, the cries of riders, the roar of the wheels and the shining guns made the officer stop. The movement was exciting.
On the way to the hospital, the lieutenant met some people who had not taken part in battle but had known a lot of things about it. He also saw a brigade making coffee at the roadside. One of the officers there saw his wound and rebuked him. Officer made his arm bare by cutting the sleeve. He talked to the lieutenant as if he was wounded because he wanted to be wounded.
Then the lieutenant saw the hospital. He found two ambulances which were unable to move out of the mud. The wounded people were crying and moaning. There was a line of bandaged men coming and going. A large number of people were busy nursing the wounds sitting under the tree. He saw a man smoking and told him that he was going to die.
At the hospital a surgeon greeted him with friendly smile. Later he began to hate lieutenant when he saw his wound. He felt that the wound degraded him to lower social position. The surgeon united the wound and touched it scornfully. He behaved as if the wounded army officer was a criminal and had to go to prison.
The noble officer flushed and asked if his arm had to be amputated. The surgeon called him an absurd man and warned him not to behave like a child. Then he began to treat the wounded officer. When he later looked at the door of the old school, he felt that it was the door to death. He then felt the world around was different.
The lieutenant returned home after treatment. His wife, sister and mother cried when they saw his arm amputated. In tears the lieutenant said that the hand was not as important as anything else. This is the story of how the officer lost his arm.
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Question and Answers Of "The Episode Of War"
नेपालीमा सारांश (Translation & Summary In Nepali Of "The Episode Of War"):
यो कथाले युद्दको भयाबह अमानवीय चित्र प्रस्तुत गर्दछ। युद्द रणभूमिमा मात्र होइन गुल्म वा अस्पतालमा पनि उस्तै भयावह हुन्छ।
लप्टनले रबरको कम्बलमा कफी बाँड्न खन्याएर राखे। आफ्नो भाग लिन नायकहरु लाइनमा उभिरहेका थिए। लप्टनले तरवारको मद्दतले वरिपरिको थुप्रो लगाएर कफी बाँडे। ठिक त्यसैबेला उनी चिच्याए। अरुले उनको बाहुलामा रगत देखेर चिच्याए। लप्टन लर्खराए पछि हेरे अनि ठिङ्ग उभिए। उनले गोली आएको दिशामा जङ्गल तर्फ हेरे। अरुले पनि गोलि पड्केर धुवाँको मुस्लो आइरहेको जङ्गलतर्फ हेरे। लप्टनले देब्रे हातले तरवार म्यान भित्र राख्न कोशिश गरे, किनभने उनको दाहिने पाखुराबाट रगत बगिरहेको थियो। उनको आफ्नै तरवार अहिले अनौठो भयो किनभने उनले अहिले आफ्नै तरवार म्यान भित्र राख्न सकेनन्। उनले कुस्ती बाजले जस्तै सास फेरे। अर्को मानिसले उनको तरवार म्यानभित्र राखिदियो। त्यो मान्छे त्यति गरेर लर्खराउँदै पछि हट्यो। उसले घाइते लप्टनलाइ निकै नै सम्मान गर्थ्यो। उसको विचारमा अधिकृत ठूलो थियो र लापरवाहि गरेर छोड्यो भने अधिकृतको जीवनमा खतरा आइलाग्न सक्नेछ। अझ अर्को मानिसले उनलाई मद्दत गर्न खोज्दा लप्टनले दिक्दारी पूर्वक हटाई दिए। निको नहुने रोगले सताए जस्तो ब्यबहार उनले गरे। त्यसपछि उनी लप्टन बाट बिदा भए।
जब उनी युद्द भूमिबाट पर गए उनले आफुले नचिनेका र थाहा नपाएका थुप्रै कुराहरु देखे। उनले घोडामा चढेको एक जनरल लाई देखे। एक जना मानिसले जनरललाई एउटा कागज पेश गर्दै थियो। यो दृश्य ऐतिहासिक चित्रकारिता जस्तै देखिन्थ्यो। सिपाहीहरुको एउटा समूह जनरलको पछाडी थियो। गोलाबारुद पड्कदै थियो र घोडाहरु उफ्रंदै थिए। घोडाको उफ्राई, घोडचढीहरुको चिच्याहट, गाडीहरुको घ्यार्र गर्ने आवाज र टल्कने हतियारहरुले लप्टनलाइ रोक्न बाध्य पारे। लप्टनले तिनीहरु दृश्यपटलबाट नहराए सम्म हेरिरहे।
बाटामा लप्टनले घुमन्तेहरुलाई भेटे। उनीहरुले उनलाई अस्पताल जाने बाटो देखाईदिए। उनीहरु आफैंले युद्दमा भाग नलिएको भए पनि उनीलाई धेरै थाहा थियो। सडकको छेउमा लप्टनले कफी बनाउदै गरेको गणलाइ देखे। त्यस गणको एकजना अधिकृतले लप्टनलाइ उनको घाउ देखेर गाली गरे। लप्टनको कमिजको बाहुलाकाटेर पाखुरा नाङ्गै पारियो।
अनि लप्टन ले जाँदै गर्दा अस्पतालका होंचा सेनापालहरुको दृश्य देखे। दुई वटा एम्बुलेन्स हिलोबाट अघि बढ्न असमर्थ थिए। घाईते मानिसहरु रोइकराई गरिरहेका थिए। मलम पट्टि बाँधेका मानिसहरु आउंदै जाँदै गर्दै थिए। ठूलो संख्यामा रहेका घाईते मानिसहरु रुखमुनी बसेर घुमा ओखती गरिरहेका थिए। बिधालय भवनको खुड्किलामा झगडा हुँदै थियो, खैरो अनुहार परेको एकजना मानिस शान्तसँग चुरोटको धुवाँ तानिरहेको थियो। लप्टनलाइ दौडेर त्यस मानिससंग गएर आफू मर्न मन लागेको कुरा भन्न मन लाग्यो।
एकजना शल्यचिकित्सक लप्टनको नजिकै बाट जाँदै थियो। उसले मुस्कुराउदै नमस्कार भन्यो। घाउ हेर्दैमा लप्टन देखि उसलाई घृणा लाग्यो। त्यस घाउले लप्टनको सामाजिक मर्यादा खस्केको रहेछ। घाउ खोलेर घृणा पूर्बक चिकित्सकले त्यसलाई चलायो। लप्टनले अब जेल जानुपर्छ जस्तो भाव चिकित्सकको अनुहारमा देखिन्थ्यो।
सिधा-साधा लप्टनले अनुहार पार्दै भने - हात काट्नु पर्दैन होला नी ! "बच्चा जस्तो नहुनुस् न, वाहियात मान्छे" भन्दै चिकित्सकले कराएर लप्टनको उपचार गर्न थाले। पुरानो विधालयको ढोका तिर हेर्दा लप्टन लाई त्यो यमराजको ढोका जस्तो अलच्छिनी लाग्यो। उपचार पछि घर फर्कंदा उनका दिदी-वहिनी, आमा र पत्नी, उनको हात नभएको रित्तो बाहुला देखेर आत्तिएर रोए। आँशुको बिचमा लज्जित अनुहारमा उनले भने हात पनि अरु सब कुरा जत्तिकै महत्वपूर्ण होला जस्तो त लाग्दैन। लप्टनले युद्दको कारण कसरी आफ्नो हात गुमाए भन्ने कुरा यहि हो।
Word Meanings in Nepali of 'The Episode Of War'
'The Episode Of War' Nepali Word Meanings
Nepali Meanings 'The Episode Of War'
Nepali and English Word Meanings of 'The Episode Of War'
'The Episode Of War' Nepali Word Meanings
Nepali Meanings 'The Episode Of War'
Nepali and English Word Meanings of 'The Episode Of War'
Word | Meaning |
lieutenant | an army officer below captain (लेफ्टिनेन्ट) |
corporal | an army officer below sergeant (कर्पोरल) |
griony | dirty, sooty (फोहोर, धुले) |
breastwork | constructed earthwork (माटाको ढिस्को या थुप्रो) |
squad | number of men for drill (क्वाज खोल्ने समूह) |
pursed | contracted the lips (ओंठ खुम्च्यायो) |
crevice | narrow opening in the rock, soil, etc. (खाडल, गल्छी) |
astoundingly | surprisingly, alarmingly (छक्क लाग्ने तरिकाले) |
on the verge of | on the edge of (डिलमा) |
through | crowd round, come in great number (भीड हुनु) |
avail | attack (आक्रमण) |
sleeve | arm covering part of cloth (बाहुला) |
minced | started back (पछि हच्क्यो) |
sway | waver, oscillate (लर्खराउनु, हल्लिनु) |
hoarse | rough and deep (खस्रो, गहिरो) |
astonished | puzzled (छक्क, अचम्मित) |
awed | inspired with fear and wonder (डर तथा अचम्म लाग्ने) |
catastrophe | disaster (दैवी आपत्ति, विपत्ति) |
stare | look fixedly (एकनासले हेर्नु) |
swing | move with curving motion (हल्लिनु) |
grip | grasp tightly (दह्रो सँग समात्नु) |
hostile | enemical, unfriendly (शत्रुतापूर्ण) |
amputated | cut off by surgery (शल्यक्रिया द्वारा काट्नु) |
stupefaction | extreme astonishment (अत्याधिक आश्चर्य) |
endowed | given, provided with (प्रदान गरिएको) |
trident | a three-pronged spear (त्रिशुल) |
sceptre | staff of a sovereign (राजदण्ड) |
sheath | cover of knife or sword (दाप, म्यान) |
scabbard | cover or sheath of a sword (म्यान) |
feat | noteworthy act or achievement (उल्लेखनीय काम वा उपलब्धी) |
sawdust ring | piece of land with sawdust (आराको धुलो भएको ठाउँ) |
spectator | a person who looks on (दर्शक) |
pose | pretended position or stance (बनावटी अवस्था, बहाना) |
dignity | prestige, glory (गौरव, इज्जत) |
majesty | dignity, stateliness (ओज, गौरव) |
revelation | disclosure of knowledge (ज्ञानको प्रष्फुटन) |
potentate | a ruler (शासक) |
radiance | emission of light (कान्ति, चमक) |
precipitate | hasten to occur (छिटो गराउनु) |
hurt | through with great force (हत्याउनु) |
proffer | offer (आग्रहपूर्वक दिनु, टक्र्याउनु) |
brittle | hard but easily broken पिटिक्क भाँचिने |
infantry | soldiers marching on foot (पैदल सेना) |
veil | covering (घुम्टो) |
aide | assistant (सहायक) |
precisely | exactly (दुरुस्त) |
bugler | one who blows a bugle ( विगुल बजाउने मान्छे) |
corps standard | army flag (सैनिक झन्डा) |
maniacal | behaving wild (असभ्य तरिकाले व्यवहार गर्ने) |
charger | a war horse (लडाकु घोडा) |
quivering | shaking (थर्थर काम्दै गरेको) |
tumultuous | noisily agitated, uproarious (होहल्ला युक्त, गडबडी) |
swirl | move with whirling motion (सुईए, सर्र गर्नु) |
menace | a threat, danger (खतरा, धम्की) |
glistening | glittering, shining (चम्कि रहेको) |
intent | resolved, determined (दृढ, प्रतिवद्द) |
aggregation | collecting together, combination (संग्रह) |
save | except (वाहेक) |
lash | sharp blows made by whip (कोर्राको प्रहार) |
crackle | make a repeated sound of fire (चट्ट गर्नु) |
sputter | eject in explosive manner (विस्फोटक हिसाबले बाहिर निस्कनु) |
exasperating | causing great irritation (झन्झटिलो, दिक्क लगाउने) |
reverberated | resounded, re-echoed (प्रतिध्वनित भयो) |
inscrutable | not easily understandable (सजिलै बुझ्न नसकिने, दुर्बोध) |
straggler | one who wanders from a main line (वरालिने वा लर्खराउने मानिस) |
flutter | quiver (थर्थराउनु, काम्नु) |
commotion | noisy confusion (हल्लीखल्ली, कोलाहल) |
festinating | expressing by gesture (इशाराले भन्दै गरेको) |
berating | scolding harshly (रुखो पाराले हप्काउदै गरेको) |
interminable | continuing for too long (पछि सम्म रहने) |
corn-cob pipe | a tobacco pipe made from corncob (तमाखु खाने हुक्का) |
mutton-head | a stupid person, a fool (मूर्ख) |
disdainfully | scornfully, contemptuously (घृणा पूर्वक) |
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The Episode Of War
Stephen Crane
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Summary In Nepali Of "The Episode Of War"
"The Episode Of War" Summary In Nepali
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"The Episode Of War" Summary In English
Word Meanings In Nepali Of "The Episode Of War"
"The Episode Of War" Word Meanings In Nepali
Stephen Crane
The Episode Of War By Stephen Crane
Class 12 Course "The Episode Of War"
Summary In Nepali Of "The Episode Of War"
"The Episode Of War" Summary In Nepali
Summary In English Of "The Episode Of War"
"The Episode Of War" Summary In English
Word Meanings In Nepali Of "The Episode Of War"
"The Episode Of War" Word Meanings In Nepali
DR Gurung
A Learner
(अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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