The Clock Tower | Introduction | Summary | WordMeanings | Translation In Nepali

the clock tower introduction summary word meanings and translation in nepali
DR Gurung

Introduction, Summary, Word Meanings and Translation in Nepali of "The Clock Tower" - "घण्टाघर". "The Clock Tower" was written by Nepalese poet Bhupi Sherchan (1936-1989). "The Clock Tower" is translated by Padma Devkota. Here is the brief introduction about Bhupi Sherchan.


Bhupi Sherchan was born in 1937 and died in 1990 A.D. He was a Nepalese poet. He was born in Mustang district of western Nepal. He was awarded with Sajha Puraskar in 1970 for his poem collection "Ghumne Mech Mathi Andho Manchhe"-"घुम्ने मेच माथि अन्धो मान्छे" ( Blind Man On A Revolving Chair ). Sherchan was the most successful poet to popularize free verse. He has analyzed humans and human life in different ways but his biggest contribution to Nepalese society is that he has tried to show the way to the new generation through his numerous poems. His Himalayan nationalism can be seen in his poem "Hami"-"हामी" "US", where he claimed that Nepalese are brave, but foolish (because they are brave).

Bhupi Sherchan produced several odes to the martyrs of Nepal, including "Shahid Ko Samjhanama"-"शहिदको सम्झनामा", "Main Battiko Sikha"-"मैन बत्तिको शिखा", and "Ghantaghar"-"घण्टाघर".

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THE CLOCK TOWER | Question and Answers

Summary Of 'The Clock Tower':

The poem captures the image of a pensioned veteran who passes his days without worry or anxiety. The clock tower has given him shelter to forget his sad old days. He everyday looks at the Ranipokhari, like the clock tower. He has given away everything except a clock and hat.

The poem describes the condition of an old pensioner. The poet has compared the old pensioned senior vet with the clock tower, Ghantaghar. He is old, rejected and has distributed all his things to his relatives. All his military equipments are gone. The old pensioner has jealousy too; so, he has kept two souvenirs ( चिनो ) of his army life. They are an old-modelled, large, round pocket watch and the ancient hat.

The clock tower is like a pensioned senior vet who is passing long and sad days of the old age. It has a clock on its neck and a cap like the old vet on its head. It is standing forever on the bank of Ghantaghar and it is brooding.

Word Meanings in Nepali of 'The Clock Tower'
'The Clock Tower' Nepali Word Meanings
Nepali Meanings 'The Clock Tower'

kith and kinनजिकको आफन्तहरु
outfitsकपडा वा अन्य सामाग्रीहरु
pocket watchगोजी घडी
vetveteran ( बुढो )
baitenticing, temptation (प्रलोभन, चारा)
broodsछोप्नु, सुरक्षित राख्नु

Translation In Nepali Of 'The Clock Tower'( नेपालीमा अनुवाद ):

यस कविताले एक जना बुढो पेन्सनरको चित्रण गर्दछ, ऊ बुढो भएको छ, ऊ आफु, आर्मी हुँदाका वस्तुहरु सबै आफ्ना प्रियजनहरुलाई बाँडिसकेको छ। बुढो भए पनि हातमा एउटा घडी र आर्मीको एउटा टोपी चिनो स्वरुप आफुसँग छ। घण्टाघरको माथि डोम (टोपी) भए जस्तो र घाटीमा घडी भए जस्तै।

घण्टाघरको तल बसेर रानी पोखरी तिर आफ्ना आँखाहरु तेर्साएको छ। आफ्नो मृत्युको प्रतिक्षामा।

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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