Complete Syllabus of Business Communication | MGT 205 | BBS 2nd year [4 Years]
syllabus of business communication mgt 205 bbs second year 4 years program
DR Gurung
Business Communication
Course No.: MGT 205
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 35
Lecture hours: 150
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The Business Communication course contains two components: I. Business English, and II. Problem-solving Approach to Writing Skills. The weightage for the first component is 50% and the second component is 50%.
I. Business English (50%) The Course
This is a course in English for the workplace. It provides
- clear learning aims, targeted to learners’ needs
- the grammar, vocabulary, and functions necessary for learners to become operational in a range of professional and social situations
- a new approach to grammar which guides learners to work out rules of meaning and usage
- strategies for effective vocabulary learning
- authentic materials to reflect learners’ needs and expectations.
The course is for mature learners who
- need English as a language of international communication in both professional and social contexts
- need to review and build on the grammar they have already covered
- need to develop fluency and accuracy
- need to extend and develop their active and passive vocabulary
- have limited time available for study
- can develop strategies to enable them to take control of their own learning.
The course is organized around ten broad communicative units: Achievement, Motivation, Communication, The Future, Challenges, Psychology, Creativity, Image, Responsibility, and Security. Each unit begins with an agenda which gives details of the language to be studied in the unit. This is followed by four main parts: Language focus, Wordpower, Skills focus, and Focus on functions. There is a review unit after every two units.
Language focus presents and practices the target grammar in a context related to the general topic of the unit. It has four stages: an introductory activity, presentation of the target grammar in a realistic context, grammar analysis, and practice.
Wordpower presents and activates a lexical set or semantic field related to the topic of the unit. At the same time it introduces a variety of strategies for organizing and learning vocabulary effectively. It has two stages: introduction of topic-related vocabulary and a follow-up practice activity.
Skill focus has longer listening and reading texts, which provide exposure to the target grammar of the unit and develop listening, speaking, and reading skills. It has three stages: a preview to introduce and stimulate interest in the topic, a task (s) to complete while reading or listening, and follow-up.
Focus on functions presents and practices basic key phrases which professionals need for socializing. There are two main stages: a range of possible exponents for students to identify, and controlled and then freer role-play.
There is a pocket book in the pouch at the back of the book and it is divided into two sections: Grammar and
Focus on functions. These summarize the key language points from the book.
The attached DVD-ROM includes video clips for every unit, with accompanying interactive exercises. The clips contain reports, interviews, and profiles that relate to the topic of the unit. The disc also has a selection of texts in the book accompanied by audio versions and dictations. These are linked to an interactive vocabulary list containing key words and phrases from the book. There are also grammar, vocabulary, and function practice activities.
Prescribed Book
Harding, Keith, and Adrian Wallwork. International Express: Student’s Book Upper-Intermediate (with Pocket Book and DVD-ROM). Oxford: OUP, 2007.
Suggested Teaching Method
It is strongly recommended that the teachers follow the ideas for teaching as given in the teacher’s resource book.
Students will be evaluated in terms of the skills presented in the prescribed book.
Reference Books
Wallwork, Adrian. International Express: Workbook Upper-Intermediate (with student’s CD). Oxford: OUP,
Appleby, Rachel, Heidi Grant, and Tracy Byrne. International Express: Teacher’s Resource Book Upper- Intermediate (with video). Oxford: OUP, 2006.
Harding Keith, and Adrian Wallwork. International Express: Class CDs Upper Intermediate. Oxford: OUP, 2007.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Eighth Edition. Oxford: OUP, 2010.
II. Problem-solving Approach to Writing Skills (50%)
The course concentrates on presenting the skills students need when they write in English in business situations. To listen, speak, read, or write, knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar is needed; but these aspects of language are not specific to business communication.
The main objectives of the course are to enable students to
- put ideas in order
- group ideas into paragraphs
- write apt introduction and conclusion
- show relationship between ideas
- present attitude clearly
- edit out irrelevant materials
- punctuate correctly
With an eye to the kinds of writing students in business are mostly in need of doing, the contents of the course are listed below:
- Informal letters
- Formal Letters
- Reports
- Brochures and guides
- Articles
- Instructions
- Writing a story
- Business letters and memos
Prescribed Book
Coe, Norman, Robin Rycroft, and Pauline Ernest. Writing Skills: a problem-solving approach. Cambridge: CUP, 1983.
Suggested Teaching Method
Students learn a lot by working together in groups to solve a problem or make a decision. Learners should share their knowledge, compare their opinions, and discuss their ideas in small groups. The instructions for each exercise in both the textbooks include suggestions about ways of working with the material, and the teachers can adopt or adapt those suggestions according to their own ideas and circumstances. A number of ideas for teaching are also given in the teacher’s manual. Students will be evaluated in terms of the skills presented in the books.
Reference Books
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Eighth Edition. Oxford: OUP.
Coe, Norman, and Robin Rycroft. Writing Skills: a problem-solving approach. Teacher’s Book. Cambridge: CUP.
Leech, G.N., and Jan Svartvik. A Communicative Grammar of English. Third Edition. London: Longman.
DR Gurung
A Learner
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