Complete Syllabus of Foundations of Human Resource Management | MGT 216 | BBS 2nd year [4 Years]

DR Gurung

Foundations of Human Resource Management

Course No.: MGT 216
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 35
Lecture hours: 150

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Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are: To introduce the basic concepts of Human Resource Management. To enhance the knowledge and approaches of Human Resource Management. To develop students' skills to handle tactfully emerging human resources challenges and issues.

Course Description

This course contains introduction to human resource management, human resource planning, job design and analysis, recruitment, selection and socialization, training and development, motivation, performance appraisal and reward management, compensation management, employees discipline, labor relations: grievances and  dispute settlement.

Course Details

Unit 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management (LH 12)

  • Concept, characteristics, objectives and functions of Human Resource Management.
  • Human Resource Management System, Personnel and Human Resource Management.
  • Human Resource outcomes-Quality of work life, productivity and readiness to change.
  • Challenges of Human Resource Management.

Unit 2: Human Resource Planning (LH 17)

  • Concept, characteristics and importance for Human Resource Planning.
  • Concept of Human Resource Strategy, Relationship between human resource planning and Strategic Planning.
  • Approaches to Human Resource Planning.
  • Human Resource Planning process - Assessing current human resources, Demand and Supply Forecasting, Human Resource Inventory, Human Resource Information System, Succession Planning, Human Resource Planning in Nepalese Organizations.

Unit 3: Job Design and Analysis (LH 18)

  • Meanings of Job, task, position and occupation
  • Concept, benefits and methods of job Design.
  • Concept, and purposes of Job Analysis, collecting job analysis information, Job Analysis techniques –Job-focused and person / behavior-focused. Job description, job specification and job evaluation.

Unit 4: Recruitment, Selection and Socialization (LH 18)

  • Meaning, sources and methods of recruitment.
  • Concept of selection, Difference between selection and recruitment.
  • The selection process, selection tests, interviews and their types.
  • Reliability and Validity in selection test.
  • Concept and process of socialization.
  • Recruitment and Selection Practices in Nepalese Organization.

Unit 5: Training and Development (LH 18)

  • Concept and process of learning
  • Human Resource Development: Concept and importance.
  • Concept, objectives and benefits of training, determining training.
  • Training methods: on - the - job and off - the - job.
  • Concept and techniques of management development.
  • Evaluating training effectiveness.
  • Training and development practices in Nepalese organizations.

Unit 6: Motivation (LH 18)

  • Concept, types and importance of motivation.
  • Motivation Theories: Achievement, Equity, ERG and Vroom's Expectancy Theory.
  • Motivation and Performance.
  • Frustration - concept and causes.
  • Job satisfaction - concept and factors related to job satisfaction.

Unit 7: Performance Appraisal and Reward Management (LH 12)

  • Concept and uses of performance appraisal.
  • Methods of Performance appraisal - Graphic rating scale, alternative ranking, paired comparison, forced distribution, critical incident, essay and Checklist methods.
  • Concept of reward management, types and qualities of effective rewards.
  • Performance appraisal practices in Nepalese Organization.

Unit 8: Compensation Management (LH 12)

  • Concept and determinants of compensation.
  • Methods of establishing employee’s compensation; current trends in compensation; Incentives plans; Different forms of incentives; Union influence in compensation programs.
  • Compensation practices in Nepalese Organization.

Unit 9: Employees Discipline (LH 7)

  • Concept and types of disciplinary problems. General guidelines in administrating discipline, Disciplinary actions.

Unit 10: Labor Relations: Grievances and Dispute Settlement (LH 18)

  • Concept and purposes of labor relations. The actors of industrial relations system.
  • Employee’s grievances, causes and handling of employees grievances.
  • Labor disputes. Prevention and settlement of disputes. Disputes settlement process in Nepal.
  • Features of Labour Act and Trade Union Act.

Suggested Books

Adhikari, D. R.,Human Resource Management, Kathmandu: Buddha Publications. Agrawal, G. R., Human Resource Management in Nepal, Kathmandu: M.K. Publishers.
Aswathappa K., Human Resource and Personnel Management: Text and Cases, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill. Decenzo, D.A. and Robbins, S.P., Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
Dessler, G., A Framework of Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Pearson Education.
Jyothi, P. and Venkatesu, D.N., Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Oxford University Press. K.C., Fatta. B.,  Human Resource Management, Kathmandu:  Sukunda Books.

Labour Act and Labour Rules of Nepal.

DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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