Complete Syllabus of Fundamentals of Marketing | MGT 214 | BBS 2nd year [4 Years]
DR Gurung
Fundamentals of Marketing
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Course Objectives
This course aims at developing knowledge and skills in students in analyzing issues concerning major decision making areas of marketing. It also aims to give background knowledge to students to prepare them for concentration courses in marketing.
Course Description
This course contains introduction, understanding marketing environment, managing market information, Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Understanding Buyer's Behavior, Product Decision, Pricing Decision, Promotion Decision, Distribution Decision, Marketing Practices in Nepal.
Course Details
Unit 1: Introduction (LH 18)
- Meaning and Definitions of Marketing
- Business-Oriented Marketing Concepts & Business Practices: Production concept, Product concept, Selling concept, Modern Marketing concept, Social concept, Holistic concept.
- Emerging Concepts in Marketing – Direct Marketing, Quality Marketing, E-marketing, Relationship Marketing; and Green Marketing.
- Marketing-Mix: Meaning, components and Implications
Unit 2: Understanding Marketing Environment (LH 12)
- Concept and features of marketing environment
- Classification of marketing environment: micro and macro
- Impact of Macro Environment in Marketing
Unit 3: Managing Market Information (LH 10)
- Concept and need of market information
- Marketing Information System: concept and components
- Marketing Research: concept and process
- Use of Internet in collecting information
Unit 4: Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (LH 12)
- Concept of market and market segmentation
- Objectives of market segmentation
- Process of market segmentation
- Targeting the market: concept and types of target market, focusing marketing program
- Product Positioning for Target market: concept and process of product positioning.
Unit 5: Understanding Buyer's Behavior (LH 14)
- Concept of buyer and buyer behavior
- Importance of understanding buyer behavior
- Consumer buying decision: process and determinants
- Organizational buying decision: process and determinants
Unit 6: Product Decision (LH 20)
- Concept, and classification of products
- Types and features of consumer products
- Types and features of industrial
- Service product: concept, features and strategies
- Product life-cycle: concept, stages and implication of marketing strategies
- New product development: concept of new product and development process
- Branding Decision: Meaning, importance and types
- Packaging Decision: Meaning, requirements and strategies
- Labeling Decision: Meaning, types and requirements
Unit 7: Pricing Decision (LH 10)
- Concept of price and pricing
- Objectives of pricing
- Methods of pricing
- Pricing strategies
Unit 8: Promotion Decision (LH 18)
- Concept and objectives of promotion
- Promotion mix and its components: advertising, publicity, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations
- Advertising: concept, features, types, and Media
- Web advertising in marketing communication
- Publicity: concept and forms of publicity
- Sales Promotion: concept and types
- Personal selling: concept, types and process of personal selling
- Public relations: concept and tools
- Selection of Promotion mix
- Integrated marketing communication: Meaning and significance
Unit 9: Distribution Decision (LH 18)
- Concept and objectives of distribution decision
- Methods of distribution: direct and indirect
- Marketing channels and channel structure for consumer goods and industrial goods
- Role of marketing intermediaries in distribution system
- Selection of channel of distribution
- Channel Conflicts and Conflict Resolution Methods
- Physical distribution: concept and components
Unit 10: Marketing Practices in Nepal (LH 18)
- Marketing Environment in Nepal
- Marketing Mix Decisions in Nepal
- Information system in Nepalese Firms
- Marketing Research Practices in Nepal
- Problems and Prospects of Marketing Practices in Nepal
- A small project work may be given to students;
Suggested Books
Evans, J.R. and Berman, B., Marketing, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
Kotler, P. and Armstrong,G. Principles of Marketing, New Delhi: Pearson/Prentice – Hall of India. Rosenberg, L. J., Marketing, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall.
Stanton,W.J., Etzel, M.J. and Walker, B.J. Fundamentals of Marketing, New Delhi: McGraw Hill. Strauss, J.& Frost, R., E-Marketing, New Delhi: Pearson Education.
Zikmund, W.J. and d'Amico, M., Marketing, New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Agrawal, G.R., Fundamentals of Marketing in Nepal, Kathmandu:M.K. Publishers and Distributers. Koirala, K.D., Fundamentals of Marketing, Kathmandu: M.K. Publishers and Distributers
Shrestha, Shyam K., Fundamentals of Marketing, Kathmandu: Asmita Publications.
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