Gods Grandeur | Translation In Nepali | Word Meaning
Translation and word meaning in nepali of the poem gods grandeur.
DR Gurung
Word Meaning and Translation In Nepali for GOD'S GRANDEUR. God’s Grandeur is a fine religious poem written by Gerard Manley Hopkins. Though Hopkins lived and wrote in the 19th century, he is one of the leaders the modernist movement in poetry. His poem too, were published in the 20th century, first by Bridges in 1918 and then by Charles William in 1930.Hopkins was influenced at oxford by john Henry Newman and he converted to Roman Catholicism in 1866 and became a Jesuit two years later.
Introduction To The Poem:
This is an Italian (petrarchan) sonnet. A sonnet is a fourteen- line poem divided into two parts.
The Petrarchan or italian sonnet has an eight line stanza (called an octave) followed by a six line stanza (called a sestet). The octave has two quatrains rhyming abba, abba, the first of which presents the theme, the second further develops it. In the sestet, the first three lines reflect on or exemplify the theme, while the last three bring the poem to a unified end. The sestet may be arranged cdecde, cdcdcd, or cdedce.
The first quatrain of octave describes the natural world with God's presence and the second quatrain of it presents the commercial activities and disobedience of human beings to God. Likewise the sestet part describes the freshness deep down things regenerated by god though destroyed by human beings. The almighty god protects the world as a hen does its young ones covering them with its wings.
The Petrarchan or italian sonnet has an eight line stanza (called an octave) followed by a six line stanza (called a sestet). The octave has two quatrains rhyming abba, abba, the first of which presents the theme, the second further develops it. In the sestet, the first three lines reflect on or exemplify the theme, while the last three bring the poem to a unified end. The sestet may be arranged cdecde, cdcdcd, or cdedce.
The first quatrain of octave describes the natural world with God's presence and the second quatrain of it presents the commercial activities and disobedience of human beings to God. Likewise the sestet part describes the freshness deep down things regenerated by god though destroyed by human beings. The almighty god protects the world as a hen does its young ones covering them with its wings.
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नेपालीमा भावानुवाद (Translation Of 'GOD'S GRANDEUR' In Nepali):
होप्किन्स द्वारा लिखित यस "God's Grandeur" नामक कविताको ईश्वरका अपार महिमाको प्रशंसा गर्दछ। यो विश्व ईश्वरका महानता र महिमाले ओतप्रोत छ। ईश्वरको सर्वव्यापी अस्तित्व एकातिर तरवारको तिव्र प्रकाश झैँ वा सुन जरी चम्के जसरी एकै क्षणमा अभिव्यक्त हुन्छ र देखिन्छ भने अर्कातिर पेलेर निकालिएका तेलका थोपा थोपा भएर हुने ठूलो परिमाण झैँ विस्तारै प्रकट हुन्छ।
यस विश्वका कणकणमा ईश्वरको बास छ। यदि हो भने मानिसहरु किन ईश्वरले दिने गरेका दण्ड सजाय तर्फ ध्यान दिंदैनन् ? पुस्ता दर पुस्ता मानिस त्यही सांसारीक बाटोमा हिंड्दै आइरहेको छ। ऊ ईश्वर प्रति ध्यान नै दिदैन र सम्पूर्ण कुरा फाइदा बेफाइदाका भौतिक क्रियाकलाप र पैसा मोहले खतम भएको छ। पैसा मुखी वा फाईदा मुखी परिश्रमद्वारा पूरा संसार धमिलिएको वा फोहोरी भएको छ र सबै तिरबाट मानिसको दुर्गन्ध ( कुकृत्यका कारण ) आउँछ।
माटो अहिले नाङ्गो छ किनकि मानिसले प्राकृतिक हरियाली खतम गर्दै त्यस ठाउँमा उद्धोग धन्दा बनाएको छ। मान्छेका गोडाहरुले जमीनको नरमपना वा कडापनाको स्पर्श गर्न सक्दैन किनभने उसले जुत्ता लगाएको छ। अर्थात्, जमीन नाङ्गो छ र मानिस संवेदनहीन भएको छ।
यी सबैका बाबजुद प्रकृतिको सुन्दरता अपार छ र कहिल्यै सकिदैन किनकि प्रत्यक चीजको गहिराई वा मुटुमा स्वच्छताको कहिल्यै नसकिने श्रोत छ र हुनत बेलुका पश्चिममा सूर्य अस्ताएर अन्धकार भए पनि भोलीपल्ट पूर्व पट्टी बाट फेरि विहानी उदाउँछिन् र प्रकृतिमा नयाँपना ल्याउँछिन् - किनकि पवित्र भूत ( the Holy Ghost ) यस सुतेका ( अज्ञानी ) संसारलाई आफ्ना न्यानो छाती र चम्किला पखेटाले न्यानो गरी छोपेर सुरक्षा दिन्छ जसरी चराहरुले आफ्ना चल्ला छोप्ने गर्दछन्।
Word-meanings in Nepali of "GOD'S GRANDEUR"
"GOD'S GRANDEUR" Nepali Word Meanings
Nepali Meanings "GOD'S GRANDEUR"
"GOD'S GRANDEUR" Nepali Word Meanings
Nepali Meanings "GOD'S GRANDEUR"
Word | Meanings |
influenced | प्रभावित |
grandeur | महिमा, महानता |
convert | परिवर्तन हुनु |
emigrants | बसाई सरेकाहरु |
previous | अघिल्लो |
inspired | प्रेरणा दियो |
glory | महिमा |
charged with | परिपूर्ण |
flame out | ज्वाला झैं बल्नु, प्रकाशित हुनु |
shook foil | सुनको जरी, चम्काइएको तरवार |
ooze | रसाउनु वा हल्कागरी बग्नु |
crushed | पेलिएको |
reck his rod | ईश्वरको आदेश प्रति ध्यान |
generation | पीढी, पुस्ताहरु |
seared | डढेको, झिल्सिएको |
bleared | धमिलिएको |
toil | परिश्रम |
smudge | धब्बा, दाग |
bare | रित्तो, नाङ्गो |
shod | जुत्ता लाएको |
brink | छेउ, किनारा |
eastward | पूर्वतिर |
springs | उदाउँछ, उम्रन्छ |
Holy Ghost | ईशाई धर्मशास्त्रमा त्रिदेव मध्ये तेस्रो देवता, जसलाई संसारमा अत्याधिक रुपले सकृय ईश्वर मानिन्छ |
broods | पखेंटाले चल्ला छोपे झैँ छोप्नु |
breast | छाती |
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DR Gurung
A Learner
(अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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