Syllabus of Fundamentals of Computer Programming | CSC-102 | BSc CSIT | First Semester | TU

DR Gurung

Fundamentals of Computer Programming

Course No.: CSC-102
Full Marks: 70+10+20
Pass Marks: 28+4+8
Nature of course: Theory (3 Hrs.) + Lab (3 Hrs.)

Course Synopsis: This course contains the concepts of programming methodology using C.

GoalsThis course is designed to familiarize students to the techniques of programming in C.
Download PDF Syllabus Of "Fundamentals of Computer Programming"
Course Contents:

Unit 1. Problem Solving with Computer [2 Hrs.]
Problem analysis, Algorithms and Flowchart, Coding, Compilation and Execution, History of C, Structure of C program, Debugging, Testing and Documentation

Unit 2. Elements of C [4 Hrs.]
C Tokens, Escape sequence, Delimiters, Variables, Data types, Constants/ Literals, Expressions, Statements and Comments
Unit 3. Input and Output [2 Hrs.]
Conversion specification, I/O operation, Formatted I/O

Unit 4. Operators and Expression [4 Hrs.]
Arithmetic operator, Relational operator, Logical or Boolean operator, Assignment, Operator, Ternary operator, Bitwise operator, Increment or Decrement operator, Comma operator.

Unit 5. Control Statement [4 Hrs.]
Branching, Looping, Conditional Statement, Exit function, Difference between break and exit

Unit 6. Arrays [6 Hrs.]
Introduction, Declaration of array, Initialization of array, Sorting, Multidimensional array

Unit 7. Functions [5 Hrs.]
Library Functions, User defined functions, Recursion, Function declaration, Local and global variables, Use of array in function, Passing by Value, Passing by Address

Unit 8. Pointers [6 Hrs.]
Introduction, The & and * operator, Declaration of pointer, Pointer to pointer, Pointer arithmetic, Array and Pointer, Pointer and array, Pointer with multidimensional array, Pointer and strings, Array of pointer with string, Dynamic memory allocation

Unit 9. Structure and Union [5 Hrs.]
Introduction, Array of structure, Passing structure to function, Passing array of structure to function, Structure within structure ( Nested Structure), Union, Pointer to structure

Unit 10. Files and file handling in C [4 Hrs.]
Concept of file, Opening and closing of file, Modes, Input/ output function, Random access in file, Printing a file

Unit 11. Introduction to Graphics [3 Hrs.]
Modes, Initialization, Graphics Function
Laboratory works: This course requires a lot of programming practices. Each topic must be followed by a practical session. Some practical sessions include programming to:

  • Create, compile and run simple C programs, handle different data types available in C, perform arithmetic operations in C, perform formatted input and out put operations, perform character input and output operations.
  • Perform logical operations, create decision making programs, create loops to repeat task, sue different looping method.
  • Create user-defined factions, create recursive functions, work with automatic, global and static variables, create manipulate arrays and matrices (single and multi-dimensional), work with pointes, dynamically allocate de-allocate storage space during runtime, manipulate strings (character arrays) using various string handling functions.
  • create and use structures an files to keep record of students, employees etc


  • Deitel, C.: How to Program, 2/e (With CD), Pearson Education.
  • Al Kelley, Ira Pohl: "A Book on C", Pearson Education.
  • Source: Page 5
  • Brian W. Keringhan & Dennis M. Ritchie: "The C programming Language", PHI
  • Bryons S. Gotterfried: "Programming with C," TMH
  • Stephen G. Kochan: "Programming in C", CBS publishers & distributors.
  • Yashavant Kanetkar: "Let us C", BPB Publications
DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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