Fees, Process and Required Documents To Get Various Certificates From TU Exam Controller Office

DR Gurung
Tribhuvan University (TU), Exam Controller Office has published clear guidelines regarding eligibility, fees and process to be completed for getting various Documents from Tribhuvan University Exam Controller Office such as;

Transcript for Intermediate, Bachelor and Masters level
Original Certificate for Intermediate, Bachelor and Masters level
Provisional Certificate for Intermediate, Bachelor and Masters level
Migration Certificate for Intermediate, Bachelor and Masters level
1. Transcript for Intermediate, Bachelor and Masters level
2. Original Certificate for Intermediate, Bachelor and Masters level
Original Certificate
3. Provisional Certificate for Intermediate, Bachelor and Masters level
Provisional Certificate
4. Migration Certificate for Intermediate, Bachelor and Masters level
Migration Certificate

Fees required for Enter (प्रविणता प्रमाण पत्र तह) to get:

1. Transcript (Yearly) - Rs. 350/-
2. Transcript (Semester) - Rs. 450/-
3. Original Certificate - Rs. 800/-
4. Migration - Rs. 1000/-
5. TU Registration Card (Copy) - Rs. 200/-
6. TU Registration Card New (National Board) - Rs. 500/-
7. TU Registration Card New (International Board) - Rs. 1000/-
8. Copy (Bill) - Rs. 100/-
9. Re-totalling (Per Subject) - Rs. 200/-
10.To update Registration Number and to correct Regd No. in Marksheet (per marksheet) - Rs. 100/-
11. To correct name in Marksheet (per marksheet) - Rs. 100/-
12. To get copy of Marksheet (per marksheet) - Rs. 125/-

Fees Required To Get Intermediate Certificates 

Fees required for Diploma/Bachelor's (स्नातक तह) to get:

1. Transcript (Yearly) - Rs. 450/-
2. Transcript (Semester) - Rs. 550/-
3. Provisional Certificate - Rs. 350/-
4. Original Certificate - Rs. 1700/-
5. Migration - Rs. 1000/-
6. TU Registration Card (Copy) - Rs. 200/-
7. TU Registration Card New (National Board) - Rs. 500/-
8. TU Registration Card New (International Board) - Rs. 1000/-
9. Copy (Bill) - Rs. 100/-
10. Re-totalling (Per Subject) - Rs. 200/-
11.To update Registration Number and to correct Regd No. in Marksheet (per marksheet) - Rs. 100/-
12. To correct name in Marksheet (per marksheet) - Rs. 100/-
13. To get copy of Marksheet (per marksheet) - Rs. 125/-

Fees Required To Get Diploma/Bachelor's Certificates

Fees required for Degree/Master's (स्नातकोत्तर तह) to get:

1. Transcript (Yearly) - Rs. 550/-
2. Transcript (Semester) - Rs. 750/-
3. Provisional Certificate - Rs. 550/-
4. Original Certificate - Rs. 1800/-
5. Migration - Rs. 1000/-
6. TU Registration Card (Copy) - Rs. 200/-
7. TU Registration Card New (National Board) - Rs. 500/-
8. TU Registration Card New (International Board) - Rs. 1000/-
9. Copy (Bill) - Rs. 100/-
10. Re-totalling (Per Subject) - Rs. 200/-
11.To update Registration Number and to correct Regd No. in Marksheet (per marksheet) - Rs. 100/-
12. To correct name in Marksheet (per marksheet) - Rs. 100/-
13. To get copy of Marksheet (per marksheet) - Rs. 125/-

Fees Required To Get Degree/Master's Certificates
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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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Thanks sir
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I have lost my marksheet how i get provisional certificate please
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