Check and Download SEE Routine 2075 [2019] | Exam Starts From 10 Chaitra 2075

DR Gurung
Grade 10 SEE Exam Routine 2075 (2018/2019) Published.

Yesterday 29 November, 2018 (13 Mangsir, 2075), Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Office of the controller of examinations (OCE), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has published Routine for Secondary Education examination (SEE) Grade 10 routine and this Exam Time Table is for all Regular, Exempted and Grade Increment students.

Also Check:
SEE Exam Papers (Question Papers) 2074/2018
As per the schedule, Grade 10-Secondary Level Education examination will be conducted from Sunday, 10 Chaitra, 2075 (24 March, 2019) and will end on Thursday, 21 Chaitra, 2075 (4 April, 2019).

The examination time for SEE will be from 8 am from 11 am.

SEE Examinees will be evaluated under the letter grading system.

Download and Check Routine Of SEE in PDF File from the Official Site Of SEE.
Grade 10 SEE Examination Routine 2075/2018-2019

Below is the routine for SEE for the academic year 2075 (2018/2019).
एस. इ. इ. (SEE)
क्र सं.
२०७५ साल चैत्र १० गते आइतबार
वेदविद्याश्रमतर्फ : अनिवार्य संस्कृत भाषा  साहित्य/अनिवार्य अंग्रेजी
२०७५ साल चैत्र ११ गते सोमबार
गैर नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरुका लागि अंग्रेजी (Elective English)
२०७५ साल चैत्र १३ गते बुधबार
२०७५ साल चैत्र १४ गते बिहीबार
वेदविद्याश्रमतर्फ : अनिवार्य संस्कृत व्याकरण तथा अनुवाद
२०७५ साल चैत्र १५ गते शुक्रबार
अनिवार्य सामाजिक अध्ययन
प्राविधिक तर्फ : Farm Management & Marketing/ Engineering Drawing/ Computer Repair & Maintenance/ Basic Music
२०७५ साल चैत्र १६ गते शनिबार
वेदविद्याश्रमतर्फ : कर्मकाण्ड / फलित ज्योतिष
संस्कृत तर्फ : अनिवार्य संस्कृत भाषा /ऐच्छिक प्रथमका सबै विषयहरु
प्राविधिक तर्फ : Aquaculture & Fisheries/ Electrical Measurement & Instrument/ Computer Networks/ Engineering Surveying/ Music Of Nepal
२०७५ साल चैत्र १७ गते आइतबार
साधारण तथा संस्कृत तर्फ : ऐच्छिक प्रथमका सबै विषयहरु,
वेदविद्याश्रमतर्फ : वेद वा नीतिशास्त्र /ऐच्छिक विषयहरु
प्राविधिक तर्फ : ऐच्छिक गणित (Optional Maths)
२०७५ साल चैत्र १८ गते सोमबार
साधारण तथा संस्कृततर्फ : ऐच्छिक द्दितीय पत्रका सबै विषयहरु
वेदविद्याश्रमतर्फ : ऐच्छिक द्दितीय पत्रका सबै विषयहरु
प्राविधिक तर्फ : Vegetable & Medicinal Plant Production/ Diary & Dairy Products/ Utilization Of Electric Energy/ Database Management System/ Building Constructions/ Music Technology
२०७५ साल चैत्र १९ गते मंगलबार
प्राविधिक तर्फ : Crop Production/ Small Ruminant Production and Management/ Electronic Device & Circuit/ Water Resources Engineering/ Instrument Keyboard
२०७५ साल चैत्र २० गते बुधबार
प्राविधिक तर्फ : Industrial Entomology & Mushroom/ Animal Health-2/ Electrical Machine/ Microprocessor/ Highway Engineering/ Music Business & Program Management
२०७५ साल चैत्र २१ गते बिहीबार
प्राविधिक तर्फ : Floriculture & Nursery Management/ Veterinary Laboratory Techniques/ Industrial Installation & Maintenance/ Object Oriented Programming/ Estimating Costing & Supervision/ Optional Subject (Singing, Musical Instrument and Dance)
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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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