It is the legal and civil responsibilities of vehicle owners to pay road tax and renew their Blue Books in Nepal at a regular interval. Failure to comply to this rule in a timely manner results in fines and personal inconveniences. Therefore, it is essential that we spare some hours to go to the Transportation Management Office of our respective provinces and accomplish these inevitable tasks. But at times, people have to face various difficulties while carrying out these activities.
Therefore, here are some instructions that may be helpful for those from Gandaki Province (Province No. 4).
The Transportation Management Office of Province No. 4 is located at Prithvi Chowk, Pokhara, opposite of Old Bus Park. If you are coming from Kathmandu along the Prithvi Highway, after crossing the Seti Bridge, you will see a narrow street on your right. Pass the street and you will see another street on the same side. After that, follow the street and after a 5 minutes' walk (with vehicle it takes no time), you will notice the transportation office on your right. People going from opposite direction can use the same clue and map below.
Transport Management Office, Gandaki Province |
Waling to Gandaki Transport Management Office Pokhara |
Kathmandu to Gandaki Transport Management Office Pokhara |
The place is usually filled with people who are there to pay their taxes. It is crowded during the end of the Nepali year or during the end of the fiscal period. Also note that along with the regular vehicle tax, we also have to do a mandatory third party insurance for our vehicles to get our blue books renewed.
Here are the steps with pictures to renew (pay your tax) vehicle bluebook in Nepal efficiently:
Step No. 1:
First, visit the concerned Transportation Management Office (Yatayat Byabastha Karyala/यातायात व्यवस्था कार्यालय).
Step No. 2:
Secondly, do a third party insurance for your vehicle. There are tons of insurers that are set up right outside the main building of the office.
Ride carefully and stay safe!
Note: The pictures and experiences above are the result of paying moterbike road taxes for Gandaki Province, Pokhara Nepal. [button style=outline link=# text=Search Terms:]
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DR Gurung
A Learner
(अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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