What Is Poverty? | Essay | Question and Answers

question and answers of the essay what is poverty
DR Gurung
Question and answers of the essay "What is Poverty?". The essay "What is Poverty?" is written by an American writer Jo Goodwin Parker. “What is Poverty?” is about Parker who has personally experienced rural poverty. She explains her story from childhood to adulthood. Parker’s struggles are overwhelming; look at any sentence, the evidence of her daily struggle is there. From her underwear to living arrangements, and everything in between, Parker resides in poverty. In her essay, she says to listen to the story of what poverty is. Then she talks about the different aspects of poverty. Parker talks about the lack of health conditions she and her three children suffer from. Also it reveals in graphic details of the hard choices. This essay is a realistic account of the shame, humiliation, and outrage of being poor. Parker stresses on the point that poverty is more than a picture in a newspaper.

"What is Poverty?" | Essay | Question Answers

Question No. 1: Of the many details mentioned by Parker, which made the greatest impression on you about what being poor actually means on a daily basis?
Answer: In this essay "What is Poverty?", Parker mentioned many details regarding the "Poverty". Of the many details the expression of poverty, as a chisel impressed me. She says poverty is a chisel that chips on honour is worm away. The really poor people have inferiority complex due to the economic factor. Their honour is really scattered. Even if the man is wise and intellectual he can do nothing in front of the wealth.
#inferiority complex meaning in Nepali language is हीनताबोध.
#scattered meaning in Nepali language is छरिएका.
#complex meaning in Nepali language is जटील/गाह्रो.
#inferior meaning in Nepali language is कमसल/निम्न/सानो.

Question No. 2: In creating this uniquely real and graphic account, how does Parker appeal to the reader's senses? For example, is there such a thing as a smell of poverty? If so, what is it, according to Parker?
Answer: Parker appeals to the reader's senses in creating this real and graphic account. She creates uniquely real and graphic situation in which she concretizes the abstract things. Metaphorically, she presents poverty like some object that smells bad. Reader's senses especially ears and eyes are appealed by her account. According to Parker the smell of poverty actually is the problem of poor people. They cannot manage the daily life, they cannot clean themselves and their equipment, which smell bad.
#abstract meaning in Nepali language is अमूर्त.

Question No. 3: What are the hard choices that confront Parker when she tries to decide whether she should work and send her three children to nursery school or leave them with their mother?
Answer: Parker had gone to job leaving her three children with her mother. When she returned, the condition of the children was miserable. They were covered by the flies and the old diaper had not been changed. She thought of sending the children to school that cost twenty dollars a week. Unfortunately she earned twenty-one dollars a week. There are the hard choices that Parker confronts with. Finally she quits her job.
#miserable meaning in Nepali language is दयनीय.
#confront meaning in Nepali language is सामना गर्नु.
Question No. 4: What are the obstacles Parker faces in simply trying to keep her three children clean and fed? What are the trade-offs she is constantly forced to consider because of not having enough money?
Answer: Food, shelter and clothes are the main obstacles Parker faces in simply trying to keep her three children clean and fed which are the essential basic human needs. The main trade-offs she is constantly forced to consider because of not having money is that she and her family have to live very unhappy life. The children are fed grit with no oils, she manages with only rags, no hot water, no soap, no vaseline etc. She cooks without food and she cleans without soap.
#constantly meaning in Nepali language is निरन्तर.
#obstacles meaning in Nepali language is अवरोध.

Question No. 5: How do environmental conditions, whether is is cold, or raining have direct physical impact on everyday life when you are poor?
Answer: It's very true that the environmental conditions have a direct physical impact on the everyday life of the poor people. In the cold season they have to stay up all night watching the fire. They suffer cough and cold. In the rainy season the muddy road outside and the gnats and flies inside trouble the children. The leaking roof is another problem of the rainy seasons.
#gnat (a kind of small insect) meaning in Nepali language is भुसुना.
#cough meaning in Nepali language is खोकी.

Question No. 6: Explain why being poor and knowing your children will suffer if you do not get help from state or government agencies is a source of shame and humiliation?
Answer: Everywhere around the world "Poverty" itself is the source of shame and humiliation. Poor people cannot manage for their children. They have to seek help from the states or government agencies. So, they are torn in between two halves of their children's suffering and their inability to approach the concerned authority.
#concerned authority meaning in Nepali language is सम्बन्धित अधिकारी.
#inability meaning in Nepali language is नसक्नुको.

Question No. 7: Why did Parker not have the operation that was recommended for her? Why did she quit her job?
Answer: Parker did not have the operation that was recommended for her because of her poverty. She quitted her job because she might have thought that having job wasn't worth which is not sufficient to pay the fee of her children at school. On the other hand there was no one to care her children properly at home.
#worth meaning in Nepali language is लायक.
#sufficient meaning in Nepali language is पर्याप्त.
Question No. 8: In Parker's view what makes asking for help such as difficult and painful experience? What compels her to do anyway?
Answer: In Parker's view if we ask for help, it has a cost. We are told to wait. "Waiting" thus makes asking for help such a difficult and painful experience. You wait but in vain.
#vain meaning in Nepali language is व्यर्थ.

Question No. 9: Why did Parker's husband leave her? How does she justify her attitude towards his leaving?
Answer: Parker's husband was a job holder. He quitted the job. They had children and it was very difficult to manage them. So, to get rid of that he left them. She says that his leaving was a bitter one and it ended without saying goodbye. She hopes that he will not come back.
#bitter meaning in Nepali language is तितो.

Question No. 10: In paragraph 12, Parker says the following about a neighbour giving her a ride to nearest health clinic. "My neighbour will take me when he goes, but he expects to get paid, one way or another. I bet you know my neighbour." What is she implying in these sentences and in the rest of the paragraph?
Answer: In paragraph 12, Parker is talking about selfish neighbour. Humans, naturally, will not be ready to help when we are in hard times. But her neighbour expects to get paid one way or another. It simply means that he tends to exploit her s**ually for giving her a ride to the nearest health clinic.
#neighbour meaning in Nepali language is छिमेकी.
#tends meaning in Nepali language is गर्छ.
#exploit meaning in Nepali language is शोषण.

Question No. 11: What is Parker's purpose in defining poverty as she does? Why has she cast her essay in the form of an extending definition?
Answer: Parker's purpose in defining poverty is to present vivid picture of shame, humiliation, and outrages of being poor. She stresses on the point that poverty is more than a picture in a newspaper.
#vivid meaning in Nepali language is स्पष्ट.
#shame meaning in Nepali language is लाज.
#humiliation meaning in Nepali language is अपमानजनक.
#outrages meaning in Nepali language is क्रुर, हिंसात्मक, आक्रोश.

Question No. 12: How would you characterize Parker's tone and her style? How do you respond to her presentation? Point to specific examples as support for your view.
Answer: Parker's tone is very sad, poignant and appealing. She is talking about the very dominant issue of society. Her style is very straightforward. She is using simple language of common people. She is writing in dramatic way, addressing the second person "you". She begins her essay with a question "You ask me what is poverty?" It seems that writer is addressing the reader each time.
#sad meaning in Nepali language is दु:खी.
#poignant meaning in Nepali language is मर्मस्पर्शी.
#appealing meaning in Nepali language is अपिल गर्नु.
#dominant meaning in Nepali language is मूख्य.
Question No. 13: Parker repeats several words and phrases throughout this essay. Choose some examples and explain how they work. What do they accomplish?
Answer: Parker repeats several words and phrase throughout this essay. More repeated words are "poverty is ..." hot water", clan, dirt, soap, etc. The repetition means giving emphasis to certain words and phrases. All the words and phrases repeated in the essay are directly or indirectly related to poverty.
#accomplish meaning in Nepali language is काम फत्ते गर्नु.
#poverty meaning in Nepali language is गरिबी.
#emphasis meaning in Nepali language is जोर.

Question No. 14: Although her essay is written for the most part in simple, straightforward language, Parker does make us an occasional striking figure of speech. Identify three such figures of speech - you might begin with those in paragraph 15 - and explain their effect on a reader.
Answer: Parker makes use of striking figure of speech. She uses metaphor to explain and define poverty. She has compared poverty with "acid", "chisel", "dirt" etc. In the use of metaphor or an indirect comparison, the abstract ideas can easily be understood.
#striking figure of speech meaning in Nepali language is आलङ्कारिक भाषा.
#metaphor meaning in Nepali language is रुपक.
#chisel meaning in Nepali language is छिनो.
#acid meaning in Nepali language is तेजाब.

Question No. 15: In paragraph 10, Parker makes a paradoxical statement. Identify the statement and explain why it is paradoxical.
Answer: The paradoxical statement made in paragraph 10 is "Or they will turn to the freedom of alcohol or drugs, and find themselves enslaved". This is paradoxical statement because the sense of freedom and enslavement come together. To look at superficially we can say that free people cannot be enslaved. But in the deeper level of understanding this statement we come to understand that the people who are free to alcohol and drugs will be obviously enslaved.
#paradoxical statement meaning in Nepali language is विरोधाभाषपूर्ण भनाई.
#freedom meaning in Nepali language is स्वतन्त्रता .
#enslave (to be slave) meaning in Nepali language is दास हुनु.
#superficially meaning in Nepali language is बाहिरी तवरबाट.

Question No. 16: Using Parker's essay as a model, write an extended of a general topic from the first hand perspective of an expert. Choose as you subject a particular environment (Suburbia, the inner city, a poorhouse) or way of living (children of divorce, the physically handicapped, the working student).
Generally, the working student is a machine getting up early in the morning with the alarm of watch. The working student has the routine of pumping the stove and having the black tea as breakfast. He is the one who silently goes to work for bread and butter, fees and clothes, etc.
The working student always hurries to the campus/college/universities otherwise he misses the classes and the teacher will shout at him. He cannot take classes attentively because he feels sleepy. He is punished by the teacher because of not doing his homework. He is lonely individual in entire class because he cannot accompany his friends to canteen.
The working student asks for help. Have you ever had to ask for help to campus/college/universities fee or to pay house rent? Think of asking for loan from your relative. Listen, I will tell you how it feels. You go for the first time and you will be asked to wait. The month goes again you will be asked to wait. Upto third attempt the same response will be repeated. You have asked for help, and after all it has a cost. You are again asked to wait. Do you know? The waiting is more expensive than you need of money.
#accompany meaning in Nepali language is साथ दिनु.
#expensive meaning in Nepali language is महँगो.
Question No. 17: Write an essay of your own defining poverty. You may wish to gather statistical data on the problem as it exists today in your country and aboard, and draw exclusively on personal observations and experiences.
Answer: Poverty is a state or condition of having very little or no money, goods, or means of support. It is the lack of desirable ingredients, qualities or resources needed to live in any society or community.
In modern period the complexities have been increased in our country as well as all over the world. The demands of the people increased simultaneously with the increase in population. Therefore the basic needs of the people have not been fulfilled. They are suffering from different kind of disease in the lack of proper treatment. The people are hungry, thirsty and naked. They cannot meet the basic human needs such as food, clothing and shelter.
Lots of people are compelled to live and sleep on the road. Thousands of thousands of children are dying of malnutrition. They are deprived of good education, medical treatment and fresh and healthy environment. The poverty also has caused the environmental degradation and it has the global effect rather than the regional.
The poor people have the feeling of shame and humiliation. They have inferiority complex. They cannot help themselves rather tolerate everything that befalls on them. It is the deep psychological problem which hinders the people of the world to move forward.
#ingredients meaning in Nepali language is सामग्री/संघटक.
#qualities meaning in Nepali language is गुणहरु.
#resources meaning in Nepali language is स्रोतहरु.
#compelled meaning in Nepali language is शशक्त/करमा.
#malnutrition meaning in Nepali language is कुपोषण.
#degradation meaning in Nepali language is क्षरण.
#tolerate meaning in Nepali language is सहनु.
#psychology meaning in Nepali language is मनोविज्ञान.

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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