Engineering Geology | Question Paper | 2018 | Fall Semester | BE | Pokhara University
engineering geology question paper 2018 fall semester be pokhara university.
DR Gurung
Level: Bachelor
Program: BE
Course: Engineering Geology
Semester: Fall
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 45
Time: 3 hrs
| DOWNLOAD PDF | Bachelor Level | BE - Engineering Geology | Question Paper | 2018 | Fall Semester | Pokhara University (PU)

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt ALL the questions.
a) As a Geology student, how can you illustrate the definition according to IAEG. "In context of Nepal Geology is a vital aspect to study". Explain. [7]
b) As a civil engineer, how can you use RQD and RMR system at your site exploration. [8]
a) Differentiate Petrogenesis and Petrography. Describe different types of reserves in brief. [4+4]
b) In the 2072 Earthquake in Nepal, what are the different aspects of earthquake observed explain. Differentiate between True and Apparent Dip. [4+3]
a) As a Civil Engineer, what sort of geological investigations would you suggest for Road and Dam construction Projects. [3+4]
b) As a geology student, explain the types of minerals and crystals in brief. [8]
b) As a geology student, explain the types of minerals and crystals in brief. [8]
a) With your geological tour experience, what sort of variation did you observe between sedimentary and metamorphic rock, Explain. [7]
b) In site, a slope needed kinematic analysis how can that be carried out using stereographic projection. Explain. [8]
a) Describe mechanism of the earthquake. Classify mass movements. Explain landslide classification by Varne. [2+2+4]
b) The true dip amounts of geological plane is 1:5 towards west. Find out apparent dip amounts along N45° W and S20° W with illustrations. [7]
a) Describe method of surface site investigation. Explain indirect method of sub-surface site investigation. [4+4]
b) As a civil engineer, how can you use Geological analysis for construction material reserve identification, explain. [7]
7. Write short notes on: (Any Two) [2x5]
a) Geological Division In Nepal
b) River Channel Morphology
c) Mountain Building Process
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Question Paper of Engineering Geology 2018 Fall Semester Bachelor Of Engineering Pokhara University | Engineering Exam Paper 2018 |
DR Gurung
A Learner
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