Introduction to Education | Grade XI | Question Paper 2076 [2019] | Subject Code: 134-C | NEB
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Check and Download Question Paper of Introduction To Education Grade 11-XI 2075[2018] Sub. Code 134 'A' NEB.
(Group 'A')
(Short answer questions)
Attempt any six questions. [6x5=30]
1. List the individual aims of education and explain anyone of them.
2. List the educational inputs of education system and explain any one of them.
3. State the difference between curriculum and syllabus.
4. Describe the contribution of Friedrich August Frobel in educational development.
5. Explain the concept of equal opportunity in education and describe its elements for selection.
6. Explain the needs and importance of guidance and counselling in school system.
7. State the five recommendations of National Education Commission 2049 for educational development.
8. What is meant by "Education For All"? Describe it.
(Group 'B')(Long answer questions)
(Attempt any two questions). [2x10=20]9. Compare among the formal, non-formal and informal education.
10. What are the barriers of national integration? Describe.
11. Justify the needs and importance of open learning in Nepal.
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View Exam Paper of Grade XI-11 | Introduction To Education | 2076 [2019] | Subject Code: 003'C' | NEB.
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Introduction to Education Class XI-11 Question Paper 2076-2019 NEB |
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