Optional English | Grade XI | Question Paper 2076 [2019] | Subject Code: 120-C | NEB

optional english grade 11-xi question paper 2076-2019 code-120c neb
DR Gurung
Optional English- Grade XI
Examination - 2076 (2019)
Regular Students | Subject Code: 120 ‘C’
Time - 3 hrs
Full Marks - 100
Pass Marks - 35 (Only for partial students)
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Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.

1. William Cowper's poem 'The Poplar Field' and Philip Larkin's poem 'Going, Going' plead for the protection of environment and conservation of flora and fauna. Explain. [15]
Why does Dylan Thomas find it essential to remain indifference in some circumstances?

2. Write short notes on any three of the following: [3x5=15]

a. Romanticism
b. Metaphysical Poetry
c. Comedy of manners
d. Sonnet
e. Farce
f. Alfred Lord Tennyson

3. Answer any three of the following questions. [3x5=15]

a. Which phenomena described by Jamaica Kincaid are desirable features from the tourists' point of view and at the same time hardships to be endured by native Antiguans? (A Small Place)

b. What is revealing about the way Chinese teacher handled the disruptive behaviour of the hyperkinetic child? (Child Care in China)

c. What pictures of human life do you visualize before Pandora opens the box? (Pandora's Box)

d. What is the relationship between the character of the zoo director and the condition of the animals he chooses to exhibit and the decision he makes regarding the elephant? (The Elephant)

e. What details in the story suggest that the school master identifies with the cat in the sense that he too feels like an outsider in his own household? (I am a Cat)
4. 'The Victorian Age' was a popular for its novel. Discuss with reference to five prominent novelists of the time. [15]
Why is eighteenth century called 'The Age of Reason'?

5. Answer any five of the following questions. [5x5=25]

a. Why is the father an outsider at home? (Sons and Lovers)
b. What does the poet mean when he says 'patient mind'? Whose mind should be patient? (Wilfred Owen, Anthem for Doomed Youth)
c. Why are the two guinea-pigs suppressed? (Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderworld)
d. Does the kind of society that Orwell describe bear any relation to reality? (George Orwell, Nineteenth Eighty Four)
e. What do you think Clare means by 'esteems'? (John Clare, I am)
f. When will the poet mourn and why? (Dylan Thomas, A Refusal to Mourn)
g. When will the rebellion take place? Was animals' reaction justified? (George Orwell, Animal Farm)

6. "Nepali people want work and actions, not any words of tranquility". Explain in the context of present tiredness of listening to the leaders. [15]
Are there any programmes launched for the protection of environment and preservation of flora and fauna? What should be done to protect them?

Please click on link available above to download class 11 optional english question paper in pdf format. Thanks. 😊

View Exam Paper of Grade XI-11 | Optional English | 2076 [2019] | Subject Code: 120'C' | NEB

Optional English Class XI-11 Question Paper 2076-2019 NEB

Optional English Class XI-11 Question Paper 2076-2019 NEB

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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