Optional First English | Question Paper | 2075 [2019] | RE-610 | SEE

DR Gurung

SEE - 2075 (2019)
Subject Code: RE-610
Time: 3hrs
Full Marks: 100
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Candidates are required to give their answer according to the given instructions.
1. Read the following text and answer the questions that follow. [4x3=12]

A poor man had twelve children and worked night and day just to get enough bread for them to eat. Now when the thirteenth came into the world, he did not know what to do and in his misery ran out onto the great highway to ask the first person he met to be godfather. The first come along was God, and he already knew that it was that weighed on the man's mind and said, "Poor man, I pity you. I will hold your child at the font and I will look after it and make it happy upon earth." "Who are you?" asked the man. I am god." Then I don't want you for a godfather," the man said. "You give to the rich and let the poor go hungry." That was how the man talked because he did not understand how wisely God shares our wealth and poverty, and thus he turned from the Lord and walked on. Next came the Devil and said, "What is you want?" 
If you let me be godfather to your child, I will give him gold as much as he can use, and all the pleasure of the world besides." "Who are you?" asked the man. "I am the devil". "Then I don't want you for a godfather", said the man. "You deceive and mislead mankind". He walked on and along came spindle-legged Death striding toward him and said, "Take me as godfather." The man asked, "who are you?" "I am Death who makes all men equal." said the man. "Then you're the one for me; you take rich and poor without distinction. You shall be godfather." Answer Death: "I will make your child rich and famous because one who has me for a friend shall want for nothing." The man said "Next sundial is the baptism. Be there in good time." Death appeared as he had promised and made a perfectly fine godfather.
(a) What promise did God make with the poor man?
(b) Why did the poor man reject God and Devil as his child's godfather?
(c) How did Death convince the poor man to be his child's godfather?
(d) What were the poor man's reasons for taking Death as his child's godfather?

2. Describe the physical traits of the three hermits and their attempts to learn the prayers to God with the Bishop. ('The Three Hermits') [5]

3. How would you describe the narrator in 'Just Lather That's All' more as a professional barber than a secret rebel? [6]

4. "You remember one thing and that suddenly reminds you of another thing." Justify this statement in the light of the essay 'Once More to the Lake' [5]

5. Is it a good idea to keep animals in captivity? Explain your reasons in connection with essay ' Circus at Dawn'. [6]

(a) Why did Rafaella feel her school to be entirely different from her home? ('Secret Friends') [6]
(b) Explain the following extract with reference to the context: "Anger spurred me dawn the street and I ran as fast as I could" [5]

Poetry Section
7. Explain the following extract with reference to the context: [5]
All the world's a stage
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts
His acts being seven ages.
8. Write a short summary of the poem "Valentine Poem" in your own words. [5]

9. What is the strange nature of love? Explain with reference to the poem 'Tell me the truth about love by W.H. Auden. [5]

10. Some people find Death mighty and dreadful while others think it is poor and miserable. Analyze the power of Death in the light of the poem 'Death' by John Donne. [10]

11. Why does Brian Patten portrait parents as the murderers of children's talents? Give your critical opinion to her analysis. [10]
Drama Section
12. Why is Byelinkov portrayed as 'a man in a case'? Explain with reference to the play. ('The Man in a Case'). [10]
13. Explain the circumstances that arouse the suspicions among the crew members. ('In a Zone') [10]

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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