Compulsory Social Studies Question Paper | 2075 [2019] | RE-123AP | SEE
Compulsory Social Studies Question Paper 2075-2019 re-123ap-see
DR Gurung
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Human Resource Development | Exercises | Unit-1 | Lesson-1 | SEE | Grade 10Also Check:
Check and Download | Collection Question Papers Of SEE | 2074/2018Candidates are required to give their answer according to the given instructions.
Write very short answer of the following questions. [7x1=7]
1. Write down any two social characteristics of Karnali Province.
2. Skilled human resource is the foundation of prosperous Nepal. Why ? Give a reason.
3. What type of dance is Pancha Buddha dance?4. Mention a role that should be played by the local government to control human trafficking.
5. What is cold war?
6. Write the major challenge and its solution of current plan.
7. What can be the method to make localization effective ? Write any one method.
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Human Resource Development | Exercises | Unit-1 | Lesson-1 | SEE | Grade 10
Write short answer of the following questions. [10x4=40]
8. The map of two provinces are given here. Differentiate them based on the given points below.
(i) Major tourism centre.
(ii) Major trading centre.
(iii) Main Rivers.
9. Why is the 'Upper Tamakoshi Hydro Project' called as a project of 'National Pride'? In which sectors of national development are directly benefited from this project ? Identify any three sectors and write them.
10. What steps should you launch to succeed the expedition conducted by Kailash Satyarthi against the child labour in the world as well as in Nepal also ? Write four contributions that you can do.
11. How would you react while it is discussed regarding taking and giving dowry in your family member's marriage in future ? Write in four points.
12. Among them, what kind of Rights are you utilizing now which are provided by World Human Rights Declaration? What kind of benefits do you get form the utilization of those rights?
13. The agriculture is commercial in the USA and Canada. 'What should we learn from them to make our agriculture commercialized ? Write in four points.
14. Write any four economic activities of temperate climatic zone.
15. The period of '2007-2017 B.S. was the decade of political transition and instability'. Prepare a oratory on it.
16. What would you suggest to your neighbour going for foreign employment with the influence of friend but not having any skills. Mention in four points.
17. What do you mean by current affair ? What are the current affairs happening at present. List any four of them.
Write long answer of the following questions. [4x7=28]
18. Prepare a model of an article to be published in a daily newspaper under the title, "Contribution of Supreme Court: Protection of Fundamental Rights and Constitution."
19. Draw a full page map of Nepal and insert the following facts using appropriate symbols.
Mt. Ganesh, Koshi Tappu, Muktinath, River Karnali
Draw the map of Africa and insert following facts.River Nile, Atlus Mountain, Namib Desert, Madgascar.
20. The causes of Second World War are interrelated with consequences of the First World War. How ? Analyze.
21. What is revenue ? Explain briefly the merits and demerits of direct tax.
Check and view SEE Compulsory Social Studies re-123ap Question Paper of 2075/2019:
DR Gurung
A Learner
(अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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