Constitutional Law and Nepalese Constitution | Grade XI-11 | Question Paper 2076 [2019] | Code: 372 | NEB

NEB Constitutional Law and Nepalese Constitution Grade XI-11 Question Paper 2076-2019 code-372
DR Gurung
Constitutional Law and Nepalese Constitution - Grade XI-11
Examination - 2076 (2019)
Regular Students | Subject Code: 372
Time - 3 hrs
Full Marks - 100

You may want to check and download below 2076-2019 NEB Question Papers for Grade 11 and 12:

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Download | All Question Papers | Faculty of Education | Grade 12, XII | 2076/2019 | NEB

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Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

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Group 'A'

Long answer questions

Attempt any three questions. [3x10=30]

1. Explain the various types of constitution.

2. Mention the functions, duties and power of federal council of ministers.

3. Describe the jurisdiction of supreme court of Nepal.
4. What do you mean by constitutional body? Mention the major constitutional bodies of Nepal.

Group 'B'

Short answer questions.

Attempt any eight questions. [8x5=40]

5. Mention the functions of Nepal police.

6. Mention the functions of National Women's Commission.

7. Explain the importance of referendum in constitution making process.

8. Mention the power list of federal government.

9. Mention the composition process of the provincial government.

10. Mention the functions of the public service commission.
11. What do you mean by doctrine of check and balance? 

12. What is limited government?

13. Mention the importance of constituent assembly in modern time.

14. Describe the appellate right of high court.

Group 'C'

Very short answer questions.

15. Write short notes on any fifteen. [15x2=30]

a) Constitutionalism
b) Unwritten Constitution
c) Fundamental Law
d) Fundamental Duty
e) Delegated legislation
f) Federal parliament

g) Extra ordinary jurisdiction
h) High court
i) Power list
j) Federal government
k) Indirect election
l) Provincial house
m) Unitary government
n) Federal constitution
o) Annual budget
p) Nepal police
q) Election commission
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Check and view Constitutional Law and Nepalese Constitution | Grade 11-XI | Question Paper 2076 [2019] | Sub. Code: 372 | National Examination Board (NEB)

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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