Microprocessor | Question Paper | 2075 [2019] | RE-COE601 | SEE | DOWNLOAD

SEE microprocessor question paper 2075-2019 re-coe601
DR Gurung
SEE - 2075 (2019)
Time: 1hr 15 minutes
Full Marks: 40
DOWNLOAD PDF | SEE Microprocessor | Question Paper | RE-COE601 | 2075/2019
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Candidates are required to give their answer according to the given instructions.

Group 'A'

Attempt any ten questions. [10x1=10]

1. Who developed microprocessor?
2. What is secondary memory?
3. How many T-state are presents in opcode-fetch cycle?
4. What is cache memory?
5. What is I/O read machine cycle?
6. What are operands?

7. What is the size of data bus?
8. What is assembly language?
9. How many T-state are presents in HLT instruction?
10. What is vector interrupt?
11. What is polled interrupt?
12. What is synchronous mode?
13. What is single handshake IO?

Group 'B'

Attempt any five questions. [5x2=10]

14. Write two types of microprocessor.
15. Write any two function of primary memory.
16. Identify the total number of T-states when the following instruction is executed.
i. LDA 2050H ii. HLT

17. Write the name of any four general purpose registers.
18. Write a program to multiply 20H in register B and 39H in register C and display the result at output port 01H.
19. Write any four names of 8085 interrupt.
20. Draw a 9-pin configuration of Rs 232.

Group 'C'

Attempt any five questions. [5x4=20]

21. What is processor unit? Define different components of CPU with suitable diagram.
22. Sketch the timing diagram of LDA 3005H.
23. Draw pin configuration of 8085 microprocessor.

24. Explain in short about different types of instruction.
25. WAP in assembly language to convert decimal to hexadecimal.
26. Write the operation of DMA.

Check SEE Microprocessor Question paper of 2075-2019 re-coe601.

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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