SEE Health, Population & E. Education (HPE) Question Paper | 2075 [2019] | RE-133-CP
SEE Health, Population and Education (HPE) Question Paper 2075-2019 re-133-cp
DR Gurung
SEE - 2075 (2019)
Subject Code - RE-133'CP'
(New Course)
Time: 2 hrs 15 minutes
Full Marks: 75
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Check and Download | All Question Papers Of SEE | 2074/2018दिइएका निर्देशनका आधारमा आफ्नै शैलीमा सिर्जनात्मक उत्तर दिनुहोस्।
Group 'A'
Write very short answers to the following questions. [11x1=11]1. Write down a biological aspect in health, population and environment education?
2. Write down the formula of calculating age specific fertility rate.
3. Show a difference between managed and unmanaged development.
4. In which region of Nepal does the Bhabar region falls?
5. Why does quality of life differ from person to person?
6. Give any one example of ex-situ conservation.
7. Write the name of virus that causes Hepatitis 'C'.
8. Why is the role of husband the most important for care of pregnant women? Give an idea.
9. Why is unhealthy life style taken as a major health problem of Nepal?
10. Write any one symptom of heat stroke.
11. Mention one activity that falls under safe life style.
Group 'B'
Write short answer of the following questions. [9x4=36]12. What are the aspects of Health, Population and Environment Education. [4]
13. Define crude birth rate. Calculate the crude birth rate of certain place of 2072 B.S. if it had 5,680 as mid year population and 196 as live birth of infants. [4]
What do you mean by population management? Explain the techniques of population management in brief. [4]
14. What is sustainable development? Explain one principle of sustainable development. [1+3=4]
15. Compare the socio-economic aspects of Terai and Mountain region. [2+2=4]
16. How do opportunity for income generating activities and employment role in quality of life. [4]
17. Explain the bio-diversity of Terai region. [4]
Write any four reasons on why the rare animals or birds are conserved. [4]
18. Why is non-communicable disease being taken as more dangerous than communicable diseases? Present with examples. [4]
19. What is abortion? Write any three causes of abortion. [4]
20. Make a list of ways to avoid bad company? [4]
Write any four major functions of Nepal Redcross Society. [4]
Group 'C'
Write answers of the following long questions. [4x7=28]21. Define solid waste. How is solid waste managed in your locality? [2+5=7]
22. Mention the measures of conserving environment and explain any two of them. [2+2.5+2.5=7]
23. Write any three causes of rareness and four conservational measures of clouded leopard in our country. [3+4=7]
24. "Illiteracy and ignorance are considered as the major health problems of Nepal." Explain it. [7]
Check and view SEE Compulsory Health, Population and Education (HPE) Question Paper of 2075/2019 RE-133-CP:
DR Gurung
A Learner
(अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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