Curriculum of Grade 11-XI | Compulsory Nepali | Subject Code:001 | 2076 | DOWNLOAD

New curriculum of grade-xi-11 compulsory nepali subject code 001 2076
DR Gurung
Compulsory Nepali
Grade/Class - XI/11
Subject Code - 001
Credit Hour - 3
Annual working hour - 96
Here we present you the Curriculum of Grade 11-XI of the subject Compulsory Nepali with Subject Code-001 NEB. Check and download in PDF file of Compulsory Nepali curriculum class 11-xi 2076-2077/2020-2021. 2076-2077 New Curriculum of Grade 11-XI Compulsory Nepali Subject with subject code-001 and download it in PDF file. Enjoy!

DOWNLOAD in PDF : Curriculum of Grade 11-XI Compulsory Nepali Subject Code:001 2076/2020. 😊 alert-info

DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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