Journalism Optional II | Question Paper | 2075 [2019] | RE-762 | SEE | DOWNLOAD
SEE journalism optional ii question paper 2075-2019 re-762
DR Gurung
| DOWNLOAD PDF | SEE Journalism Optional II | Question Paper | RE-762 | 2075/2019
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Candidates are required to give their answer according to the given instructions.
Answer all the questions.
1. What is freedom of expression? What should be the relation between Journalism and freedom of expression? Explain with example. [3+7=10]
2. Describe any five characteristics of television journalism. [5+5=10]
3. Draft a meaningful news with suitable headline on the basis of given hints:
Facebook ...... Tweeter ...... other social networks ...... immediate information ....... direct interaction ....... from internet....... easy way to information receive ..... to journalism too......... easily available ....... but needed cautiously use. [10]
4. Journalism is social service. Explain. [5]
5. What was the role of mass media in Nepal during the democratic movements? State clearly. [5]
6. List any five method of print mass media distribution. [5]
7. What layout should be of an editorial page of a daily news paper? Sketch a dummy page. [5]
8. List any five characteristics of radio journalism. [5]
9. Draft an advertisement for secondary school needed as English teacher. [5]
10. How does advertisement promote to electronic mass communication? Clarify with example. [5]
11. What is the importance of photo in journalism? Explain with example. [5]
12. Write short notes on (Any two). [2x2.5=5]
a) Right to information
b) Press freedom
c) Editor
d) The Gorkhapatra
2. Describe any five characteristics of television journalism. [5+5=10]
3. Draft a meaningful news with suitable headline on the basis of given hints:
Facebook ...... Tweeter ...... other social networks ...... immediate information ....... direct interaction ....... from internet....... easy way to information receive ..... to journalism too......... easily available ....... but needed cautiously use. [10]
4. Journalism is social service. Explain. [5]
5. What was the role of mass media in Nepal during the democratic movements? State clearly. [5]
6. List any five method of print mass media distribution. [5]
7. What layout should be of an editorial page of a daily news paper? Sketch a dummy page. [5]
8. List any five characteristics of radio journalism. [5]
9. Draft an advertisement for secondary school needed as English teacher. [5]
10. How does advertisement promote to electronic mass communication? Clarify with example. [5]
11. What is the importance of photo in journalism? Explain with example. [5]
12. Write short notes on (Any two). [2x2.5=5]
a) Right to information
b) Press freedom
c) Editor
d) The Gorkhapatra
Check SEE Journalism Optional II Question paper of 2075-2019 re-762.
DR Gurung
A Learner
(अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) 🙏🙏
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