Human Resource Development | Exercises | Unit-1 | Lesson-1 | SEE | Grade 10

human resource development exercises solution unit 1 lesson 1 see grade 10
DR Gurung

DhanRaj's Blog (drg vlogs) presents you the solved exercises notes of social studies 'Human Resource Development' Unit-1, Lesson-1, SEE (Grade 10). Under category "We and Our Society" in the lesson 1 'Human Resource Development' of Social subject, students of SEE Grade 10 can able to learn below objectives:

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  • To understand the concept Human Resoure Development Index - HDI, and to identify it's status in Nepal.
  • To tell the concept of federalism.
  • To tell the concept of regional development and do comparative study of the provinces of Nepal.

Questions Types and Marks:

Questions Types Total no. of Questions Marks Total Marks
Very short questions for group 'A' 1 1 1
Short questions for group 'B' 1 1x4 4
Long questions for group 'C' - - -
Lesson - 1,2,3,4 2 5 5

(Check and learn 'Human Resource Development (HRD)' exercises of unit-1, lesson-1 see grade 10.)

Human Resource Development

Very Short Question-Answers:

Question No. 1: Skilled human resource is the foundation of prosperous Nepal. Why? Give a reason.

Answer: The skilled human resource is the foundation of prosperous Nepal because they have special knowledge, skills and capabilities to use country resources in an effective way and they bring positive changes in various aspects of the country.

Question No. 2: What is meant by human resources?

Answer: All skilled and semi-skilled manpower required for a particular task or by a particular organization for it's operation are called human resources. Human resources are essential for development.

Question No. 3: What are the three types of human resources?

Answer: The three types of human resources are:-

a. Skilled human resources,
b. Semi-skilled human resources,
c. Unskilled human resources.

Question No. 4: What should be done to the further strengthen of human resourrce development in context of Nepal? Write your opinion in a sentence.

Answer: Human resource is a vital component for the development of the country. In the context of Nepal, to further strengthen of the human resource development, the public and the private sectors should work together to identify the required number of different human resources and it's development programs.

Question No. 5: What do you mean by Human Resource Development (HRD)?

Answer: Human Resource Development (HRD) is the process of increasing the capacity of the manpower working under a certain project or organization. It is a part of human resource management (HRM) process.

Question No. 6: What is meant by sustainable manpower provision?

Answer: Smooth supply of manpower for today and tomorrow without creating any shortage is called sustainable manpower provision. It is necessary for smooth operation of an organization.

Question No. 7: What is meant by 3D jobs as mentioned in the lesson?

Answer: The 3D jobs mentioned in the lesson are Dirty, Difficulty and Dangerous jobs.

Question No. 8: What is the difference between short term human resources and long term human resources? Write in two points.

Answer: The differences between short term human resources and long term human resources are as follows:

Short Term Human Resources Long Term Human Resources
1. Short term human resources are needed for an immediate time. 1. Long term human resources are needed for future.
2. Short term human resources are prepared through short-term training and simple education. 2. Long term human resources are prepared through long term education and training.

Short Question-Answers:

Question No. 9: Define human resource development. Explain the importance of human resource development in Nepal.

Answer: Human Resource Development is a continuous change and improvements of human resources in an organization or country. It brings multidimensional changes in the performance and working procedures of human resources that are working in an organization and country.

The importance of human resource development are given below:

a. It helps to fulfill the required man powers in an organization.
b. It helps to increase the productivity of the organization with a proper management of available human resources.

c. It helps to make a short-term and long-term plan, policies and programs of organization growth and development.
d. It improves the team work culture of workers in the organization.
e. It helps to strengthen the relationship between employees and employers that support to achieve organization goal.

Question No. 10: What plan has been made for the human resource development in our country?

Answer: Human resource is considered as a vital component of a country development. Nepal government has been implementing various programs to develop human resources as required the need of the country. More over through the proper implementation of five year development plan following programmes have been made for the human resource development of our country.

a. Public private partnership: The Nepal Government has made a policy to work with private sectors to ensure the placement of the produced human resources on the basis of their knowledge and skills.
b. Strengthening the capacity of CTEVT: Various short-term and long-term academic and training courses have been running through the CTEVT programmes. These programmes have been produced various semi-skilled and skilled man powers for the country development.
c. Matching labour demand and supply: The government has a policy to maintain balance between labour demand and supply. The Nepal government has given more concern to create more job opportunities within a country to utilize the produced skilled and semi-skilled human resources in appropriate fields of their expertise.
d. Quality and skillful education: The highly competent and quality manpower will be produced by imparting highly scientific and technical education opportunities.
e. Student exchange programs: Nepal government is collaborating with the SAARC countries in student exchange programs through the various scholarship schemes in different academic subjects that significantly support to enhance the quality of our students.

Question No. 11: What are the challenges in human resource development in Nepal? Give your suggestion to overcome the challenges.

Answer: The human resources are very important to develop the country. There are various challenges in human resource development in Nepal. The major challenges are given in the table below:

Challenges Solutions
a. Brain drain. a. Employment opportunities should be created within a country.
b. Lack of sufficient budget. b. Internal and foreign investment should be increased to develop skilled and semi-skilled human resources.
c. Lack of proper matching between demand and supply of human resources. c. A proper study and plan should be made to ensure appropriate placement of produced human resources within a country.
d. Lack of proper public private partnership. d. Government and private sectors should go with hand in hand to develop effective human resource development plan with proper analysis of future demand of different human resources.
e. Socio-cultural and economic discrimination. e. Expansion of free and compulsory education program, inclusive participation in development works and state mechanism are essential to develop human resources.
f. Lack of skill oriented or technical education and trainings. f. Education system should be reformed as per the changing needs and demands of the country.

Question No. 12: "Human resource development is important for all overall development of the country". Justify this statement with four points.

Answer: The human resources are those people who have special ability, knowledge, and experiences to perform various works in a specific field. It's development is essential for all round development of the country because of the following reasons:

a. The human resource development is a continuous process that focuses to improve the quality, skill, and performance of manpower which helps to accelerate the rate of the country development.
b. The human resource development management insists to prepare a sustainable human resource development plan and it's effective implementation as required the changing circumstances and demand of the country.
c. It helps and encourages people to use their potentiality for the development of their native country.
d. It helps to create a favorable environment of trust and respect between employees and employers to carry out the organizational works.

Question No. 13. What is human resource development? Write the process of human resource development.

Answer: The human resource development is a continuous process which intends to imrpove the performance of people working in the organization or different sectors of the country. The processes of human resource development are given below:

Human Resource Development ProcessDescription
a. Human resources plan.a. Ensures present status of human resources and analysis of it's future demand such as skilled and semi-skilled human resources.
b. Analysis of human resources.b. Analysis of present sectors of job opportunities and present statistics, quality and skill of different human resources.
c. Matching the demand and supply of the human resources.c. Analysis of the present population growth of the country, growth of economic activities, employment opportunities, and required man powers.
d. Development of Employment related programs.d. In this stage, various employment generating programs and intuitions have been developed to utilize the human resources.
e. Trainings.e. Various skill oriented trainings are provided to the people so that the required human resources can be fulfilled in country development.

Question No. 14. What do you mean by human resource management?

Answer: Human resource management is the process of appointing and developing employees to make them more skillful and to improve their efficiency. It is a regular process of an organization and country. It is an overall management of human resources. It gives priority of the following things:

a. It makes accountable to the employees towards organization.
b. It gives responsibility considering the knowledge, skills and capabilities of employees.
c. It encourages employees to perform their duties on the basis of reward and punishment system.
d. It gives high emphasis on overall development of an organization and human resources management of the country.

Question No. 15. Write/show the differences between human resource development and human resource management.

Answer: The differences between human resource development and human resource management are as follows:

Human Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource Management
a. It is an ongoing process.a. It is a routine process.
b. It is a continuous process which develops required human resources as per the need and demand of an organization and country.b. It is a process of appointing and developing human resources to enhance their performance in an organization.
c. The Nepal government is providing various trainings through the CTEVT organization to develop human resources in Nepal.c. The Nepal government has given a priority to create various job opportunities within a country and making foreign employment services more convenient and accessible to youths.
d. Development of Employment related programs.d. In this stage, various employment generating programs and instutions have been developed to utilize the human resources.

Question No. 16. Write about the importance of human resource management in points.

Answer: The human resource management is concerned about the proper use of available human resources and their professional growth. The need and importance of human resource management are as follows:

a. Human resource management helps to manage excess human resources.
b. Human resource management is useful to supply the human resource in case of need.
c. To increase and decrease of employees on the basis of cost analysis.
d. Human resource management helps to prepare different skilled and semi-skilled human resources in the country.
e. Human resource management focuses to recruit the produced human resources in a right place.
f. Human resource management is useful to prepare skilled and semi-skilled human resources and to find the possibility of human resources in the country.
g. Human resource management diversifies the works and increase the efficiency of the human resources.
h. It helps for the appropriate management of available human resources and increases the productivity of the workers.

Question No. 17. Write about the present status of human resource development and management in Nepal.

Answer: The process of human resource development and management is challenging task. The human resources are considered as a back bone of the country development. The present status of human resource development and management in Nepal can be point out as follows:

a. The available human resources are not properly managed in the country.
b. Due to the lack of proper access on development, the people of rural areas, females, dalits, disables and backward people are not able to achieve the fruits of the country development.
c. The Nepal government is working to promote and develop the various infrastructires such as education, tourism, health, etc. for the development of human resources.

Question No. 18. Describe the main features/characteristics of Human Resource Development (HRD).

Answer: The main features/characteristics of Human Resource Development (HRD) are as follows:

a. Human Resource Development (HRD) is a continuous process.
b. Human Resource Development (HRD) ia a multi-disciplinary approach.
c. Human Resource Development (HRD) depends on the techniques of trainings, career planning, counseling, management, etc.
d. Human Resource Development (HRD) is a systematic and planned approach.

Question No. 19. Write the situation of Human Resource Development (HRD) in Nepal.

Answer: The situation of Human Resource Development (HRD) in Nepal are described in points below:

a. The Nepal government makes the human resource development plan.
b. The situation of human resource development in Nepal is not so satisfactory.
c. There is serious problem of unemployment.
d. A large number of skilled and unskilled manpower goes abroad in search of better job and opportunities.

Question No. 20. What are the challenges of Human Resource Development in Nepal?

Answer: The challenges of Human Resource Development in Nepal are as follows:

a. Lack of budget,
b. Difficult to balance between demand and supply of human resource,
c. Lack of technical and vocational trainings and education,
d. lack of good governance,
e. lack of integrated plan, policy and programs for the skilled human resource development, etc.

Question No. 21: What policies and programmes have been launched in Nepal for human resource development?

Answer: The following policies and programmes have been launched in Nepal for human resource development.

a. The government has adopted a special policy to emphasize science and technology education for producing vocationally and professionally skilled manpower over the last few decades.
b. The government has it's policy to expand and strengthen the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) for producing vocationally and technically skilled manpower.
c. The Public Service Commission, a constitutional organ, has fully been authorized with the task of selecting qualified candidates for government's civil posts and partly for military posts too.
d. The Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) provides intensive job-oriented trainings for newly selected government manpower and on-the-job trainings (OJT) for those already working in the government service.

e. With enough budgetary priorities set on human resources development, recent periodic plans of the country have been introducing programmes to produce skilled human resources required for building infrastructures in education, health, agriculture, tourism and so on.
f. The Government of Nepal has shought cooperation of friendly nations in formulating effective programmes of human resource development and implementing the same.

DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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i love it
Thank you Dear. 😍
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Thnx too much sir
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