Hospitality Management | Curriculum | Grade 11-XI | Subject Code: Hom.125 | 2076 | DOWNLOAD in PDF

hospitality management curriculum grade 11-xi subject code-hom125 2076 download pdf
DR Gurung
Secondary Education Curriculum 2076
Subject - Hospitality Management
Grade/Class - XI/11
Subject Code - Hom.125
Credit Hours - 5
Working hours - 160

DhanRaj's Blog (drg vlogs) presents you the Curriculum of Grade 11-XI of the subject Hospitality Management with Subject Code-Hom.125 NEB 2076-2020. Check and download in PDF file of Hospitality Management curriculum class 11-XI 2076-2020. 2076 New Curriculum of Grade 11-XI Hospitality Management Subject with subject code-Hom.125 and download it in PDF file. Enjoy!

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1. Introduction

Hospitality today is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. It is definitely an industry of the future. The hospitality industry has tremendous contributions to the global economy. It is a global industry and also offers huge employment opportunities around the world. Hospitality education plays a major role in preparing students to gain professional and practical skills required by the hospitality industry. Therefore, this course of hospitality management for classes 11 and 12 of secondary education is designed to impart the fundamental knowledge of hospitality management. subjects. This course makes students familiarize themselves with the different aspects of the hospitality industry, its interrelationships with other sectors of the tourism industry and its operation.

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The course of hospitality management specifically focuses on the basic concept of hospitality and its operational aspects. The word 'hospitality' is not only related to a hotel but the whole service industry. So, this course offers an overview of the hospitality and tourism industry, its growth and development, industry segments and their distinguishing characteristics, trends and current concerns, career opportunities, and the employability skills needed to succeed in specific hospitality fields. This course also offers the basic concept of the hospitality market and marketing, hospitality management, hotel operation and hospitality industry in Nepal.

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The curriculum has been divided to different sections: level-wise competences, grade-wise learning outcomes, scope and sequence of contents with their elaboration, some indication to learning facilitation process and student assessment.

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2. Level-wise Competencies

After completion of the study of Hospitality Management, a secondary level elementary course of class 11, student will be able to;

1. Develop the knowledge about the key factors responsible for the growth and development of hospitality and tourism.
2. Identify the nature and importance of hospitality and hospitality services.
3. Perform the basic management functions in hospitality industry and arrange tour and manage hotel accommodation for the guests independently.
4. Deliver services properly to the guest in different departments of hotel.
5. Acknowledge the current trends and challenges faced by the hospitality and tourism industry.
6. Explore possible career paths in hospitality industry.
7. Identify hospitality products and perform their marketing.
8. Evaluate the role of branding in hospitality industry.

3. Grade-wise Learning Outcomes

Unit Content Area Learning outcomes
1 Introduction to Hospitality 1.1 Define, concept hospitality and explain its characteristics.
1.2 Identify the sectors of hospitality industry and describe their basic functions.
1.3 List out the features of hospitality services.
1.4 Explain the characteristics of hospitality industry.
1.5 Types of hospitality industry.
2 Introduction to Travel and Tourism 2.1 Define travel and tourism and describe its characteristics.
2.2 Identify and explain the factors affecting travel and tourism.
2.3 Define 'tourist' and explain its types.
2.4 Describe the basic components of tourism.
2.5 Explain the role of different mode of transportations in tourism.
2.6 Assess and evaluate the importance and impact of tourism on society, economy and environment.
3 Growth and Development of Hospitality Industry 3.1 Define hospitality and explain the relationship between hospitality industry and tourism.
3.2 Trace the history of the growth and development of tourism and hospitality industry.
3.3 Point out the factors that affect the growth and development of hospitality industry.
4 Career opportunities in Hospitality Industry 4.1 Identify the career prospects in hospitality industry.
4.2 List out the key positions of hospitality industry and their roles and responsibilities.
4.3 Outline the traits and attributes needed for hospitality services.
5 Rooms Operation Management 5.1 State the importance of rooms division and identify the different types of room
5.2 Make a room reservation and perform basic front office services
5.3 Explain the role and functions of front office manager
6 Accommodation Management 6.1 Define and classify accommodation.
6.2 Define hotel and explain its types.
6.3 Draw organizational structure of hotel.
6.4 Recognize the department of hotel and describe their functions.
6.5 Identify the role of manager in hospitality industry.
6.6 Illustrate the managerial functions of the hotel industry.
6.7 Classify the catering establishment.
7 Hospitality As A Service Industry 7.1 Define service and explain the role of service in hospitality industry.
7.2 List out the interpersonal skills of hospitality workforce.
7.3 Identify and illustrate the issues facing hotel/restaurant service.
7.4 Recognize the technology for the improvement of customer service.
8 Service Marketing 8.1 Describe service marketing and its significance in hospitality industry
8.2 Explain the characteristics of service marketing
8.3 Apply the basic concept of value in service sector.
8.4 Distinguish between the service quality and customer satisfaction.

4. Scope and Sequence

Unit Scope Content Working hrs.
1 Introduction to Hospitality 1.1 Meaning and concept of hospitality
1.2 Nature an characteristics of hospitality services
1.3 Concept of management and hospitality management
1.4 Role of manager in the hospitality industry
1.5 Managerial Functions in the Hospitality Industry
1.6 Sectors of Hospitality Industry -food and beverage, lodging, recreation, transportation, gift shop, travel, trek etc.
2 Introduction to Travel and Tourism 2.1 Concept ,Meaning, definition and characteristics
2.2 Types of Tourism
2.3 Tourist- definition and types
2.4 Basic components of tourism
2.5 Role of transportation in tourism
2.6 The Importance of Tourism
2.7 Impact of Tourism
3 Growth and Development of Hospitality Industry 3.1 Relationship between the hospitality industry and tourism
3.2 Tourism through the ages-early, medieval and modern times.
3.3 Growth and development of hospitality industry (National and International)
3.4 Factors affecting growth and development in the hospitality industry of Nepal
3.5 Multicultural awareness (British, French, German, American, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Nepali)
4 Career opportunitie s in Hospitality Industry 4.1 Career prospects in hospitality industry
4.2 The key positions of hotel/airlines/travel & tour and their major responsibilities
4.3 Traits and attributes required for hospitality services
5 Rooms Operation Management 5.1 Introduction to rooms division
5.2 Functional areas of rooms division
5.3 Functions of the head of rooms division
6 Accommodat ion Management 6.1 Introduction of accommodation
6.2 Types of accommodation
6.3 Defining hotel and its types
6.4 Independent, chain and franchise system of hotels
6.5 Organizational structure of Hotel
6.6 Functions and departments of hotel
6.7 Introduction to catering service
6.8 Classification of catering establishment
6.8.1 Primary and Secondary
6.8.2 Commercial and Welfare
6.8.3 On premises and off premises
6.8.4 In site and Off site
6.8.5 Residential and Nonresidential
6.8.6 Chain/Independent/Fr anchised system
7 Hospitality As A Service Industry 7.1 Meaning and Concept of Service
7.2 Nature of services and their qualities
7.3 Types of serviceelectronic- mechanical, indirect personal, and faceto face transactions
7.4 The Role of Service In The Hospitality Industry
7.5 Issues Facing Hotel/Restaurant Service- Health and Wellness , Food Safety and Sanitation
7.6 Technology-Enhancing Customer Service
8 Service Marketing 8.1 Meaning and concept of service marketing
8.2 Significance of service marketing
8.3 characteristics of hospitality and tourism marketing
8.4 Concept of value, customer satisfaction and service quality
Total 80

5. Suggested Practical Activities

Practical is integral part of Secondary Education Curriculum. It focuses more on skill development than knowledge building. It consists of project work, group work, presentation, observation, internship etc. Total of 80 hours has been designated to practical activities and will be carried out under the guidance and monitoring of teacher. Following are only sample practical activities, teacher can assign any relevant practical activity as per requirement.

Unit Scope Activities Working hrs.
1 Introduction to Hospitality ⧬ Visiting any local hotel and class presentation about the visit. 11
2 Introduction to Travel and Tourism ⧬ Picture show of destinations and Data collection and chart show of tourist flow in Nepal and the globe
⧬ Preparing list of major highways and airways of Nepal.
3 Growth and Development of Hospitality Industry ⧬ Project work assignment and presentation on hospitality industry and its classification. 11
4 Career opportunities in Hospitality Industry ⧬ Visual display showing different sectors of hospitality industry for career development. 10
5 Rooms Operation Management ⧬ Practicing front desk operation
⧬ Receiving telephone
⧬ Draw the forms and format used in front office
6 Accommodation Management ⧬ Visiting hotel and understanding the managerial functions of hotel. Preparing check list of managerial functions. 10
7 Hospitality As A Service Industry ⧬ Listing the major hospitality industry of the country and locality.
⧬ Presentation of hospitality attributes of hospitality staffs.
8 Service Marketing ⧬ Preparing lists of hospitality industry of locality
⧬ Discussion on the different marketing strategy for hospitality services in the class room.
⧬ Group discussion on quality of services.
Total 80


➜School shall arrange one hotel/restaurant/destination of local area visit and observation in class 11 and the students must prepare and submit a report of that visit for final evaluation.

5. Learning Facilitation Process

This course provides both theoretical as well as practical knowledge on Hospitality Management. In this subject, there are both subjective contents as well as practical activities. This curriculum focuses on providing practical knowledge to the students. It provides knowledge, skill, and self-confidence to the students. To fulfill the objectives, the teacher must involve the students in classroom activities as well as practical field visits. Locally available materials must be used to conduct teaching learning activities. To achieve the entire objective from this curriculum, the teachers must use different methods and techniques while teaching. Some methods and techniques have been suggested below:

➜Group discussion
➜Field visit
➜Case study
➜Practical works
➜Audio/visual class
➜Web surfing
➜Project works
➜Problem solving.

The teachers have to take care of the following things while facilitating learning process.

➜The teachers have to facilitate learning process by duly making the annual teaching plan, unit plan, and daily lesson plan as well.
➜The facilitation should prefer integrating students’ prior experience, concepts, status of their residence, available natural and cultural resources in the residence area, students’ interest as well as religious and cultural belief. Being a practical subject, this has to deeply focus on observation, demonstration, and presentation too.
➜Right after the theoretical explanation of the content, students should be facilitated with all possible relevant examples, lab practices, alongside with project works.
➜Activities that hoist and enhance the understanding, reactionary views, practical skills and expression among students should be encouraged during learning facilitation. Learning should not be limited only to the gaining of knowledge.
➜During learning facilitation process, there should be regular coordination with the concerned local entities to make use of locally available resources. While utilizing such sources, it is advisable to take students into the respective field and enable them observe the use and functions of such resources.
➜The teachers should consider followings before adopting any of teaching methods.
➜Students’ capacity and maturity to understand the subject.
➜Confidence or trust with regard to the success of the chosen teaching method.
➜Evoking interest in students for successful learning.
➜Students’ readiness to think and cooperate in learning process.
➜Locally available resources and experts.

6. Student Assessment

Assessment is an important aspect of teaching learning process which will both serve the purposes of assessment for learning and assessment of learning. Both formative and summative evaluation will be carried out to measure the students' learning. Formative assessment is mainly to bring improvement in students' learning and is to be carried out on continuous basis. The following strategies are to be utilized for the formative assessment.

➜Assessment of students' learning through appropriate technique like question answer, homework
➜Presentation of assignments by the students
➜Students' participation in discussion
➜Project work completion
➜Weekly, monthly and trimester tests.

Summative evaluation will be carried out through internal and external evaluation.

A. Internal Evaluation

Students' knowledge, skills and competencies will be measured through internal evaluation in both grades. The internal evaluation carries 50 percent of weightage for final evaluation. The following table shows the criterial for the internal evaluation.

S.N. Criteria Marks
1 Classroom participation (Daily attendance, home assignment and class work, participation in learning, participation in other activities) 3
2 Trimester exam (3 marks from each) 6
3 Project work, report and presentation 16
Total 25
4 Practical work and viva-voice by external examiner 25
Grand total 50

B. External Evaluation

External evaluation of the students will be based on the written examination. It carries 50% of the total weightage. The types and number of questions will be as per the test specification chart developed by the Curriculum Development Centre.

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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Dear Ranjit,

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Plz send me class 11 hospitality management grid,model question paper and syllabus at
Sir plz provide hospitality book pdf for class 11 and 12 if you have...plz sir plzz
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Can u please send me syallbus of culinary arts and food & nutrition
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Syllabus please
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can you please send me the Curriculum of Hotel Management for class 11 and 12?
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