Health, Population and Environment Education | Class 10 (SEE) Pre-Board Exam | Question Paper 2077 | PABSON

Health, Population and Environment class 10 see pre board exam question paper 2077 pabson
DR Gurung

DhanRaj's Blog (drg vlogs) presents you SEE Class 10 Sent Up/Pre-Board Exam Health, Population and Environment Education subject Question paper of the year 2077-2021. Check and download in PDF file of Health, Population and Environment Education Class 10 (SEE) Question Paper 2077/2021. View 2077 Syangja Pabson SEE Class 10 Health, Population and Environment Education Sent Up Exam Question Paper and download it in PDF file. Enjoy!

SEE Pre-Board/Sent Up Examination - 2077/2021
PABSON Examination Committee, Syangja, Gandaki Province
Class - 10 (X)
Subject - Health, Population and Environment Education
Maximum Marks - 75
Time: 2:15 Hrs.

Health, Population and Environment Education | Class 10 (SEE) Pre-Board Exam | Question Paper 2077 | PABSON Syangja, Gandaki province.

Candidates are required to give their answer according to the given instructions.

Also Check:

Group 'A'

Give very short answer to the following questions: (11x1=11)

1. What is psychological aspect?

2. How can total fertility rate be calculated?

3. Write any one importance of development works.

4. According to the census of 2068 B.S., what is the percent of population in Himalayan Region?

5. Why does quality of life depend on family size?

6. Which plant is used in the treatment of cancer?

7. Which disease is also called  'Silent Killer'?

8. Against which disease is BCG vaccine given?

9. Write anyone importance of community health.

10. Write any one sign to know that someone has got poisoned.

11. Why is tourniquet used while snake-bite?

Group 'B'

Give short answer of all the following questions: (9x4=36)

12. What is the relation of environment with science and technology? Clarify it.

13. According to 2001 census, the CBR and CDR of Nepal were 33.1 and 9.6 per thousand respectively. Find out the rate of Natural Increase.


Write any four measures to minimize the effects of population growth on social and economic aspect.

14. What is regional balance on development? Clarify with example.

15. Prepare a short note on the physical and biological aspect of the place where you live.

16. What is meant by human development index? Write it's bases.

17. Write short notes.

a) Spikenard
b) One-horned Rhinoceros


Name any four rare plants of Nepal and give introduction of anyone of them.

18. Write any four advantages of breast feeding.

19. Make the list of eight scopes of community health.

20. What is sprain? Write it's first aid measures.


In which condition conception is dangerous? Present any four suggestions.

Group 'C'

Give long answer of the following questions. (4x7=28)

21. What are the principles of sustainable development? Explain any two of them. (3+4=7)

22. Mention any seven measures to mitigate the effects of development and modernization in Hilly Region of Nepal. (7)

23. Why is diabetes a dangerous disease? List the symptoms and preventive measures of it. (1+3+3=7)

24. What do you mean by altitude sickness? Write it's symptoms and first aid measures. (2+2+3=7)

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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Hello , I want question paper in pdf form of subject social studies and HPE of SEE.
Replied pose sent me pre board questions paper 2078
My Gmail Send pre board questions 2078
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Ahh can u send me ktm pabson question
Dear Ishwor/Kamala, requested see pre-board pdf question of HPE education has been sent to your emails. Please check. 😊
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eph question is leaked have u got it?

Sorry, I've no idea regarding your concern. Keep learning.