Office Practice and Accounting Optional II | Class 10 (SEE) Pre-Board Exam | Question Paper 2077 | PABSON

Office Practice and Accounting Optional II class 10 see pre board exam question paper 2077 pabson
DR Gurung

DhanRaj's Blog (drg vlogs) presents you SEE Class 10 Sent Up/Pre-Board Exam subject Office Practice & Accounting Optional II Question paper of the year 2077-2021. Check and download in PDF file of Office Practice & Accounting Optional II Class 10 (SEE) Question Paper 2077/2021. View 2077 Syangja Pabson SEE Class 10 Office Practice & Accounting Optional II Sent Up Exam Question Paper and download it in PDF file. Enjoy!

SEE Pre-Board/Sent Up Examination - 2077/2021
PABSON Examination Committee, Syangja, Gandaki Province
Class - 10 (X)
Subject - Office Practice & Accounting Optional II
Maximum Marks - 75
Time: 2:15 Hrs.

Office Practice & Accounting Optional II | Class 10 (SEE) Pre-Board Exam | Question Paper 2077 | PABSON Syangja, Gandaki Province.

Students are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figure in the margin indicates the full marks.

Also Check:

Answer the following questions in one sentence. (5x1=5)

1. Write the full form of GATT.

2. When was the Citizen investment Trust established?

3. Write any two examples of intangible assets.

4. Who does the final audit of the company?

5. Write the AGF No. of Monthly statement of Revenue.

Group 'B'

Answer the following questions in short. (8x5=40)

6. Mention any five considerations while drafting a tippani. (5)

7. What is numerical filling? Describe it's four advantages. (1+4=5)

8. Why is trade necessary? Explain the four procedures of home trade orderly. (1+4=5)

9. Mention the five differences between internal audit and final audit. (5)

10. What is budget sheet? Explain the three pasts of budget sheet. (2+3=5)

11. Prepare a trial balance of ABC company from the following particulars as on 2076 Asadh 31st. (5)

Particulars Amount
1. Capital 100,000/-
2. Purchase 300,000/-
3. Sales 600,000/-
4. Rent paint 30,000/-
5. Depreciation 20,000/-
6. Bank loan 50,000/-
7. Business premises 350,000/-
8. Machinery 50,000/-

12. Prepare a profit and loss account of Syangja Ghee Industry as on 31st Asadh 2076 from the following particulars. (5)

1. Gross loss250,000/-
2. Interest received50,000/-
3. Discount on purchase20,000/-
4. Salary80,000/-
5. Commission received30,000/-
6. Carriage outward46,000/-
7. Stationery60,000/-
8. Bad debts recovered10,000/-

13. Prepare a balance sheet of Shyam furniture as on 31st Asadh, 2076 from the following particulars. (5)

1. Capital500,000/-
2. Machinery200,000/-
3. Debtors100,000/-
4. Reserve fund70,000/-
5. Net profit300,000/-
6. Cash balance400,000/-
7. Bills payment30,000/-
8. Bills receivable200,000/-

Group 'C'

Give long answers to the following questions. (3x10=30)

14. Introduce insurance and explain the six types of life insurance. (1+9=10)

15. Prepare AGF No. 10 (Goshwara Voucher) on the basis of following transactions of District Health office, Syangja. (10)

a) On 2076-04-05, received Rs. 500,000/- as revolving fund through Nepal Rastra Bank.
b) On 2076-04-10, Issued a cheque no. 001 of Rs. 5,000/- to establish petty cash fund.
c) On 2076-04-10, Rs. 85,000/- paid for computer purchase through cheque no. 002.
d) On 2076-04-20, Section Officer Mr. Ramesh Karki was paid Rs. 6,000/- for travelling expenses advance through cheque No. 004.
e) On 2076-04-25, the salary for the month of Shrawan Rs. 180,000/- was distributed after deducting provident fund Rs. 18,000/- and income tax Rs. 2,000/- throughcheque no. 005.

16. Prepare a statement of expenditure of District Education Office, Kaski for the month of Asoj 2076 on the basis of the particulars given below. (10)

B.H.No. Budget Heads Annual Appropriation
upto Bhadra
of Asoj
21111 Salary 250,000 50,000 25,000
22612 Travelling expenses 18,000 3,000 500
22111 Electricity and Water 20,000 5,000 3,000
22121 House rent 26,000 5,000 1,400
22711 Miscellaneous 20,000 5,000 1,000
29511 Expenses machinery
& equipment
50,000 20,000 7,000
Total 384,000 88,000 37,900

Additional information.

a) Revolving fund balance Rs. 58,000.
b) Advance of Rs. 5,000 is not cleared.
c) Bank balance Rs. 18,500.

Show the followings:

i) Expenditure upto Asoj.
ii) Balance of budget.
iii) Cash balance.
iv) Total budget release up to Asoj.
v) Net expenditure excluding advance.

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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