Social Studies | Class 10 (SEE) Pre-Board Exam | Question Paper 2077 | PABSON

Social Studies class 10 see pre board exam question paper 2077 pabson
DR Gurung

DhanRaj's Blog (drg vlogs) presents you SEE Class 10 Sent Up/Pre-Board Exam Social Studies Question paper of the year 2077-2021. Check and download in PDF file of Social Studies Class 10 (SEE) Question Paper 2077/2021. View 2077 Syangja Pabson SEE Class 10 Social Studies Sent Up Exam Question Paper and download it in PDF file. Enjoy!

SEE Pre-Board/Sent Up Examination - 2077/2021
PABSON Examination Committee, Syangja, Gandaki Province
Class - 10 (X)
Subject - Social Studies
Maximum Marks - 75
Time: 2:15 Hrs.

Social Studies | Class 10 (SEE) Pre-Board Exam | Question Paper 2077 | PABSON Syangja, Gandaki province.

Candidates are required to give their answer according to the given instructions.

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Group 'A'

Very Short Answer Questions (7x1=7)

1. Write down importance of Human Resource Development in a sentence.

2. Write any two roles of state to develop self employment.

3. Write any two benefits that local people take after preserving Cultural Heritage.

4. Prepare a catchy slogan to aware people against gender violence.

5. What is referendum?

6. Write any two activities that are carried on to develop rural tourism in Nepal.

7. Write the role of the WHO about the world wide health problem created by Covid-19.

Group 'B'

Short Answer Questions (10x4=40)

8. What is the objective of calculating Human Development Index? What activities should be done to develop Human Development Index by poor HDI countries. Write any three solutions. (1+3=4)

9. What are the common problems faced by the Ongoing Development projects of Nepal. (4)

10. What role should be played by the government of Nepal to make life easier and happier of elder citizens. Write any four suggestions. (4)

11. What can be the role of Local agencies to end the social problems of Nepal. Suggest any four ways. (4)

12. What is Naturalized citizenship? What are the provisions to get such citizenship as per the Constitution Of Nepal. (1+3=4)

13. Write any two similarities and differences between Mountain Region of Nepal and Southern Polar Climatic Region. (2+2=4)

14. What is sismograph? Show two differences between hypocenter and epicenter. (1+1.5+1.5=4)

15. Write any four reasons behind the failure of drafting constitution by the first Constitution Assembly of Nepal. (4)

16. Prepare a dialogue about the importance of Co-operatives to uplift the condition of backward community of Nepal. (4)

17. Write any four benefits that Nepal achieved after getting the membership of the UNO. (4)

Group 'C'

Long Answer Questions (4x7=28)

18. How has the Constitution of Nepal adopted the principle of decentralization of power? Clarify the inter-relationship between the executive and the legislature. (3+4=7)

19. Draw a full page map of Nepal and indicate the following facts with appropriate symbols:

Tilaurakot, Manaslu Himal, Apple growing area, River Narayani. (3+4=7)


Draw a map of Africa  and locate the following facts.

Victoria lake, Kalahari desert, River Niger, Cairo City. (3+4=7)

20. How much do you think that the Treaty of Versallies is responsible for the cause of World War II? Write it's descriptive answer. (7)

21. What is the finance education. Mention the problems faced by common people in the absence of finance education. Write any two solutions to make finance education effective. (1+4+2=7)

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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