Power Station | Question Paper 2077 | CTEVT Diploma | 2nd Year/2nd Part

DOWNLOAD PDF | of Question Paper | Power Station | CTEVT | 2nd Year/2nd Part | 2077.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
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Download PDF of Power Station | Question Paper 2077 | CTEVT Diploma | 2nd Year/2nd Part.
Attempt Any Five questions.
a) Draw and explain the schematic Layout of modern power system. [8]
b) What are the significance of standard Frequency in electrical power system? Draw the layout diagram for converting any one of renewable energy sources into electrical energy. [4+4=8]
a) What is peak load power plant? Draw the hydro power plant layout and explain it's working principle. [2+6=8]
b) Explain the working principle of thermal power plant with it's layout. [8]
a) Why the voltage level of transmission system is higher? Differentiate between transmission and distribution system. [2+6=8]
b) Define excitation system. Explain brushless excitation system with necessary diagram. [2+6=8]
a) Explain the operation and importance of AVR in power house. [8]
b) Explain brief description of switch yard, Bus Bars, Circuit Breaker and Lighting arrestors in power plants. [8]
a) Describe the operation of double bus-bar system with figure. [8]
b) Why substation is necessary in power system? List out any six components of subs-station and describe any two of them. [2+6=8]
6. Write short notes on: (Any Four) [4x4=16]
(a) Fault Limiting Reactors.
(b) Plant utilization factor.
(c) Grid substations.
(d) PLCC.
(e) Ring Main bus bars.
Good Luck!

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