Visual Programming | Question Paper 2073 | CTEVT Diploma | 2nd Year/1st Part

Visual Programming question paper 2073 ctevt diploma 2nd year 1st part download pdf
DR Gurung
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training
Office Of The Controller Of Examinations
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
Regular/Back Exam - 2073, Falgun
Program: Diploma In Computer/ IT Engineering
Year/Part: Second Year/First Part (New Course)
Subject: Visual Programming
Time - 3 hrs
Full Marks - 80
Pass Marks - 32

DOWNLOAD PDF | of Question Paper | Visual Programming | CTEVT | 2nd Year/1st Part | 2073.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

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Download PDF Visual Programming | Question Paper 2073 | CTEVT Diploma | 2nd Year/1st Part.

Attempt Any Five questions:

(a) What is IDE? Explain various element of visual basic. [2+6=8]


(a) What do you mean by "Event driven programming"? [3]
(b) What is Recursion? Define procedures and it's types. [5]

3. Design and WAP code to read any three numbers and find biggest number. [8]

4. What is Active x control used for? Explain with example. [6]

5. What do you mean by co-ordinate system? Explain the methods used to draw line, circle, and specifying color in VB. [8]

6. Differentiate between: Any Two. [2x4=8]

(a) Image box and picture box.
(b) Check box and option box.
(c) List box and combo box.

7. Define visual data manager. Write down the steps to connect the database using ADODC. [8]

8. Design an interface to ask the "Name and age" of five different student and process the average age. Also write VB code for design. [8]

9. Differentiate between "Random Access File" and "Sequential File Access". WAP code in VB to read employee name, address and salary and store the information in emp.dat sequential access file. [8]

10. Write Short Notes On: [2x5=10]

(a) Adding menu to form (steps).
(b) Timer and Array.

Good Luck!

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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