NEB Class 12 New Exam Routine for the year 2078 (2021) will be conducted from 30 Bhadra to 8 Ashoj, 2078 | Download In PDF

neb class 12 exam routine 2078-2021 published download in pdf
DR Gurung


Today, September 1, 2021 (Bhadra 16, 2078), National Examination Board (NEB) Exam Controller Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has published final new exam schedule for the Regular and Partial examinees of Grade-Class 12 to be held in the year 2078-2021.


[alert type=alert_outline alert_info]Update - September 01, 2021 (Bhadra 16, 2078)[/alert]

According to the recent exam schedule 2078, the Grade/Class 12/XII examinations will be conducted from 30 Bhadra, 2078 (September 15, 2021) to 08 Ashoj, 2078 (September 15, 2021) and Grade/Class 12 exam time will start from 11 am and ends at 2 pm.

[alert type=alert_outline alert_info]Grade/Class 12 Exam Start Date - 30 Bhadra, 2078.[/alert]

[alert type=alert_outline alert_info]Grade/Class 12 Exam End Date - 08 Ashoj 2078.[/alert]

[alert type=alert_outline alert_info]2078 NEB Grade/Class 12 Examination Time will be from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.[/alert]

Be noted that exam was earlier scheduled/fixed to be conducted on June 9, 2021 (Jestha 26, 2078) and on August 15, 2021 (31 Shrawan, 2078) but was postponed by Government of Nepal National Examination Board (NEB) due to the high risk of Nobel Corona Virus (Covid 19) Phase 2.

Download Grade/Class 12 Exam Routine of the year 2078 in PDF format from the official website (Google Drive) of National Examinations Board (NEB) by clicking below DOWNLOAD link.


View and check NEB Class 12 Exam Routine of the year 2078-2021 officially published by National Examinations Board NEB.


Class 12 Exam Routine 2078-2021 published by NEB on September 1, 2021 (Bhadra 16, 2078).

Date Subjects Subject Code
Compulsory English (Regular/Partial/Grade Increment Students) 004
Anibarya Baikalpik Sanskrit Rachana 005
Geography 218
Computer Science 230
Optional Nepali 232
Maithili 248
Hindi 260
Newari 268
Rural Development 602
Sculpture 624
Folk Music (Vocal/Instrument Flute) 638/640
Commercial Mushroom Produc. & Mkt. (Technical Stream) 644
Intro. to Livestock Breeding Management (Technical Stream) 650
Data Comm. & Computer Network (Technical Stream) 654
Structural Analysis & RCC Design (Technical Stream) 658
Opt & Maint. of Micro Hydro Plant & PV Sys (Technical Stream) 662
Criminal Law and Justice 674
Physics 210
Political Science 258
Home Science 264
Hotel Management 270
Sociology 272
General Law 296
Anibarya Byakaran (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) 605
Nyaya (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) 616
Painting 626
Classical Music (Technical Stream) 678
Child Development and Learning 902
Dance 250
History 256
Culture 266
Travel and Tourism 274
Optional Jyotish-II (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) 601
Elements of Finance 606
Opt. Shukla Yazurveda-II (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) 607
Jyotish 612
Optional Sahitya-II (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) 615
Optional Byakaran-II (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) 634
Sustainable Integrated Nutrient & Pest Mgmt (Tech) 646
Applied Animal Nutrition (Technical Stream) 652
Web Development and Database (Technical Stream) 656
Maintenance & Rehabilitation of Structures (Tech) 660
Repair & Management of Electrical Equipments (Tech) 664
Western Music (Technical Stream) 682
Teaching Science 904
Teaching Social Studies 906
Teaching Health & Environment Science 938
Chemistry 212
Economics 226
Population Studies 246
Mass Communication 262
Philosophy 276
Library and Information Science 298
Environmental Education 608
Byakaran 610
Sports Science 666
Legal Drafting 668
Nepali Folk Music (Technical Stream) 680
Chemistry Education 942
Agriculture 278
Commercial Veg. Prod. & Mkt. (Technical Stream) 642
Introductory Meat Science (Technical Stream) 648
Biology (Botany+Zoology) 214
Optional English 220
Principles of Accounting-II 224
French/Japanese/Urdu/German 282/284/286/288
Human Value Evaluation 290
Veda/Nitishastra 618/620
Applied Arts 630
Civil Law and Justice 672
Opt. Music-Vocal/Instrument/Dance (Technical Stream) 684/686/688
Mathematics 216
Health and Physical Education 244
Psychology 252
Music 254
Linguistics 280
Co-operative Management 604
Opt. Jyotish-III (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) 611
Sahitya 614
Opt. Shukla Yazurveda-III (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) 621
Optional Sahitya-III 623
Business Studies 628
Opt. Byakaran-III (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) 635
Procedural Law 670
Compulsory Nepali 006
Alternative English 008
Human Rights 676
Business Mathematics 908
Marketing 910
Instructional Evaluation 918
Introduction to Education Technology/Special Need Education 912/934
Primary Education/Instructional Organization 914/922
Contemporary Society 924
General Mathematics/General Science 926/928
Social Studies 930
Rural Economics 932
Gender Studies/Food and Nutrition 936/940
History Of Arts 944
Nepal Parichaya 946
Sanskrit Byakaran Rachana 948
Optional Music IV 950


1. No further arrangement will be made for the candidates who are absent from the examination as per the prescribed examination schedule.

2. Even in case of any emergency leave, the examination shall not be postponed without the prior notice of the Examination Control Office.

3.Materials such as graph paper, chart, Goshwara vouchar, bank cash book required by the examination league should be brought by the examinee himself/herself.

4. Candidates appearing for Biology subject should use the different answer sheet for Botany and Zoology subject.

5. The experimental examination of the subjects remaining to be completed by the school shall be conducted internally by the school and submitted to the concerned office of the National Examination Board (NEB) within a week (7 days) after completion of theoretical exam, i.e. 15th of Ashoj, 2078 BS.

6. Mobile phones, smart watches and other electronic devices are prohibited in the examination hall.

7. As per the rules, only students who have obtained the admission letter by filling the examination application form will be allowed to participate in the examination.

8. Candidates are not allowed to change the examination center.

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[alert type=alert_info]National Examination Board (NEB)., Routine Of Class 12 NEB Nepal., Final Routine Of Class 12 NEB 2078., NEB Grade XII Routine 2078., NEB Class 12 Routine 2078., Examination Routine Of Grade XII 2078., Routine Of Grade XII 2021 NEB., Class 12 Routine 2078., Class 12 Routine 2021., Grade XII Routine 2078., Grade XII Routine 2018., NEB Exam Schedule 2021., Exam Schedule Of Grade 12 2078., Exam Schedule Of Grade 12 2021., Check Final Exam Routine Of Grade 12 NEB., Download In PDF New Routine Of Class 12 NEB 2078., NEB Routine 2078/2021 Download., Routine Of Class 12 NEB Nepal., Class 12 ko Barshik Parixya ko Samaya Talika 2078.[/alert]

DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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