NEB Class 12 New Exam Routine for the year 2078 (2021) will be conducted from 30 Bhadra to 8 Ashoj, 2078 | Download In PDF
[alert type=alert_outline alert_info]Update - September 01, 2021 (Bhadra 16, 2078)[/alert]
According to the recent exam schedule 2078, the Grade/Class 12/XII examinations will be conducted from 30 Bhadra, 2078 (September 15, 2021) to 08 Ashoj, 2078 (September 15, 2021) and Grade/Class 12 exam time will start from 11 am and ends at 2 pm.
[alert type=alert_outline alert_info]Grade/Class 12 Exam Start Date - 30 Bhadra, 2078.[/alert]
[alert type=alert_outline alert_info]Grade/Class 12 Exam End Date - 08 Ashoj 2078.[/alert]
[alert type=alert_outline alert_info]2078 NEB Grade/Class 12 Examination Time will be from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.[/alert]
Be noted that exam was earlier scheduled/fixed to be conducted on June 9, 2021 (Jestha 26, 2078) and on August 15, 2021 (31 Shrawan, 2078) but was postponed by Government of Nepal National Examination Board (NEB) due to the high risk of Nobel Corona Virus (Covid 19) Phase 2.
Download Grade/Class 12 Exam Routine of the year 2078 in PDF format from the official website (Google Drive) of National Examinations Board (NEB) by clicking below DOWNLOAD link.
View and check NEB Class 12 Exam Routine of the year 2078-2021 officially published by National Examinations Board NEB.
Class 12 Exam Routine 2078-2021 published by NEB on September 1, 2021 (Bhadra 16, 2078).
Date | Subjects | Subject Code |
2078/05/30 Wednesday |
Compulsory English (Regular/Partial/Grade Increment Students) | 004 |
Anibarya Baikalpik Sanskrit Rachana | 005 | |
2078/05/31 Thursday |
Geography | 218 |
Computer Science | 230 | |
Optional Nepali | 232 | |
Maithili | 248 | |
Hindi | 260 | |
Newari | 268 | |
Rural Development | 602 | |
Sculpture | 624 | |
Folk Music (Vocal/Instrument Flute) | 638/640 | |
Commercial Mushroom Produc. & Mkt. (Technical Stream) | 644 | |
Intro. to Livestock Breeding Management (Technical Stream) | 650 | |
Data Comm. & Computer Network (Technical Stream) | 654 | |
Structural Analysis & RCC Design (Technical Stream) | 658 | |
Opt & Maint. of Micro Hydro Plant & PV Sys (Technical Stream) | 662 | |
Criminal Law and Justice | 674 | |
2078/06/01 Friday |
Physics | 210 |
Political Science | 258 | |
Home Science | 264 | |
Hotel Management | 270 | |
Sociology | 272 | |
General Law | 296 | |
Anibarya Byakaran (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 605 | |
Nyaya (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 616 | |
Painting | 626 | |
Classical Music (Technical Stream) | 678 | |
Child Development and Learning | 902 | |
2078/06/02 Saturday |
Dance | 250 |
History | 256 | |
Culture | 266 | |
Travel and Tourism | 274 | |
Optional Jyotish-II (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 601 | |
Elements of Finance | 606 | |
Opt. Shukla Yazurveda-II (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 607 | |
Jyotish | 612 | |
Optional Sahitya-II (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 615 | |
Optional Byakaran-II (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 634 | |
Sustainable Integrated Nutrient & Pest Mgmt (Tech) | 646 | |
Applied Animal Nutrition (Technical Stream) | 652 | |
Web Development and Database (Technical Stream) | 656 | |
Maintenance & Rehabilitation of Structures (Tech) | 660 | |
Repair & Management of Electrical Equipments (Tech) | 664 | |
Western Music (Technical Stream) | 682 | |
Teaching Science | 904 | |
Teaching Social Studies | 906 | |
Teaching Health & Environment Science | 938 | |
2078/06/04 Monday |
Chemistry | 212 |
Economics | 226 | |
Population Studies | 246 | |
Mass Communication | 262 | |
Philosophy | 276 | |
Library and Information Science | 298 | |
Environmental Education | 608 | |
Byakaran | 610 | |
Sports Science | 666 | |
Legal Drafting | 668 | |
Nepali Folk Music (Technical Stream) | 680 | |
Chemistry Education | 942 | |
2078/06/05 Tuesday |
Agriculture | 278 |
Commercial Veg. Prod. & Mkt. (Technical Stream) | 642 | |
Introductory Meat Science (Technical Stream) | 648 | |
2078/06/06 Wednesday |
Biology (Botany+Zoology) | 214 |
Optional English | 220 | |
Principles of Accounting-II | 224 | |
French/Japanese/Urdu/German | 282/284/286/288 | |
Human Value Evaluation | 290 | |
Veda/Nitishastra | 618/620 | |
Applied Arts | 630 | |
Civil Law and Justice | 672 | |
Opt. Music-Vocal/Instrument/Dance (Technical Stream) | 684/686/688 | |
2078/06/07 Thursday |
Mathematics | 216 |
Health and Physical Education | 244 | |
Psychology | 252 | |
Music | 254 | |
Linguistics | 280 | |
Co-operative Management | 604 | |
Opt. Jyotish-III (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 611 | |
Sahitya | 614 | |
Opt. Shukla Yazurveda-III (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 621 | |
Optional Sahitya-III | 623 | |
Business Studies | 628 | |
Opt. Byakaran-III (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 635 | |
Procedural Law | 670 | |
2078/06/08 Friday |
Compulsory Nepali | 006 |
Alternative English | 008 | |
Human Rights | 676 | |
Business Mathematics | 908 | |
Marketing | 910 | |
Instructional Evaluation | 918 | |
Introduction to Education Technology/Special Need Education | 912/934 | |
Primary Education/Instructional Organization | 914/922 | |
Contemporary Society | 924 | |
General Mathematics/General Science | 926/928 | |
Social Studies | 930 | |
Rural Economics | 932 | |
Gender Studies/Food and Nutrition | 936/940 | |
History Of Arts | 944 | |
Nepal Parichaya | 946 | |
Sanskrit Byakaran Rachana | 948 | |
Optional Music IV | 950 |
1. No further arrangement will be made for the candidates who are absent from the examination as per the prescribed examination schedule.
2. Even in case of any emergency leave, the examination shall not be postponed without the prior notice of the Examination Control Office.
3.Materials such as graph paper, chart, Goshwara vouchar, bank cash book required by the examination league should be brought by the examinee himself/herself.
4. Candidates appearing for Biology subject should use the different answer sheet for Botany and Zoology subject.
5. The experimental examination of the subjects remaining to be completed by the school shall be conducted internally by the school and submitted to the concerned office of the National Examination Board (NEB) within a week (7 days) after completion of theoretical exam, i.e. 15th of Ashoj, 2078 BS.
6. Mobile phones, smart watches and other electronic devices are prohibited in the examination hall.
7. As per the rules, only students who have obtained the admission letter by filling the examination application form will be allowed to participate in the examination.
8. Candidates are not allowed to change the examination center.
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[alert type=alert_info]National Examination Board (NEB)., Routine Of Class 12 NEB Nepal., Final Routine Of Class 12 NEB 2078., NEB Grade XII Routine 2078., NEB Class 12 Routine 2078., Examination Routine Of Grade XII 2078., Routine Of Grade XII 2021 NEB., Class 12 Routine 2078., Class 12 Routine 2021., Grade XII Routine 2078., Grade XII Routine 2018., NEB Exam Schedule 2021., Exam Schedule Of Grade 12 2078., Exam Schedule Of Grade 12 2021., Check Final Exam Routine Of Grade 12 NEB., Download In PDF New Routine Of Class 12 NEB 2078., NEB Routine 2078/2021 Download., Routine Of Class 12 NEB Nepal., Class 12 ko Barshik Parixya ko Samaya Talika 2078.[/alert]
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