SEE | Compulsory Science and Technology Model Question | Set 1 | Of 2080-2024
SEE Compulsory Science and Technology Model Question Set 1 of 2080-2024.
Compulsory Science and Technology (SET 1)
Grade 10-Class 10
SEE – 2080 (2024)
Full Marks – 75
Time - 3 hrs
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Write an answer in your own creative way on the basis of given instructions.
Group 'A'
Multiple choice Question: 10x1=10
1. Write the best alternative of the following questions in the answer sheet.
(a) Which is the smallest unit of computer memory?
(i) Kilobyte
(ii) Megabyte
(iii) Bit
(iv) Gigabyte
(b) Why is pines kept in sub-division gymnosperm.
(i) It has needle shaped leaves.
(ii) It has naked seeds.
(iii) It has chlorophyll.
(iv) It has cones instead of fruit.
(c) Which of the following groups of organism are closely related on the basis of evolution?
(i) Porifera, Annelida, Chordata
(ii) Porifera, Arthropoda, Chordata
(iii) Coelenterata, Arthropoda, Chordata
(iv) Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes, Annelida
(d) What is the main cause of increasing the level of ocean?
(i) Deforestation
(ii) Heavy rainfall
(iii) Flood and landslide
(iv) Increase in the temperature of the earth.
(e) Calculate the mass that a person can lift on moon if he can lift a mass of 50kg on the earth. The value of g on the surface of the Earth is 9.8m/s2 and that of moon is 6 times less.
(i) 200.6 kg
(ii) 300.6 kg
(iii) 400.6 kg
(iv) 500.6 kg
(f) If large piston A and small piston B of a hydraulic lift have their cross-sectional area, pressure and force/weight are A1 and A2, P1 and P2 and F1 and F2 respectively, then which of the following relation would be correct according to Pascal's law?
(i) P1 > P2
(ii) A1 < A2
(iii) F1 > F2
(iv) F1 < F2
(g) Identify the characteristics of the image of the object XY kept in front of the lens as shown in the given figure.
(i) Virtual, erect and magnified
(ii) Real, erect and magnified
(iii) Virtual, inverted and diminished
(iv) Real, inverted and magnified
(h) Which of the following is proved by Hubble's law?
(i) Which one is a double displacement reaction from the following?
(i) X + YZ → XY + Z
(ii) X + Y → XY
(iii) XYZ → X + Y + Z
(iv) XY + AB → XB + AY
(j) A statement and two arguments are given below.
Detergent is called a soap less soap.
It has cleaning properties like soap but its chemical nature is different.
It does not give lather with hard water as soap.
(i) Statement and argument 2 is correct but argument 1 is incorrect.
(ii) Statement and argument 2 is incorrect but argument 1 is correct.
(iii) Statement and argument 1 is correct but argument 2 is incorrect.
(iv) Statement and argument 1 is incorrect but argument 2 is correct.
Group 'B'
2. Write very short answers of the following questions. [9x1=9]
(a) Write an advantage of independent variable.
(b) What is upthrust?
(c) Write down one utility of optical fiber.
(d) In summer season, the cemented roads are seemed to be filled with water but they are not actually. Which phenomenon of light is behind this?
(e) What happens when carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water for short time?
(f) What is meant by redshift?
(g) Write the name of main ore of silver.
(h) Why are group VII elements of periodic table called halogens?
(i) Write the structural formula of glycol.
Group 'C'
Write short answers. 14x2=28
3. Use fundamental units to show that equation P = IV is homogeneous, where I is electric current, V is voltage and P is power.
4. Write any two characteristics of plant kingdom.
5. Write any two roles of honey bee on ecosystem.
6. Mitosis cell division is called equational division. Why?
7. India has donated Murrah Buffalo to Nepal. Mention any two benefits gained by farmers on breeding buffalo with Murrah buffalo instead of local species of buffaloes.
8. Write any two differences between haemophilia and leukemia.
9. Number of red panda is decreasing in Nepal. What measures can be done to protect the Panda? Write any two measures.
10. Write any two factors on which gravity on the surface of a heavenly body depends.
11. Prove that if the earth attracts two bodies placed at the same distance from the centre of the earth with the same force, then their masses are equal.
12. Lamp is lit in the running bicycle by the help of a dynamo but it goes off when bicycle is stopped. Give reason.
13. In domestic house hold wiring voltage of 220V is supplied. A battery of mobile works with 3.7 V. Draw net diagram of transformer used in mobile charger.
14. Write a balanced chemical equation between the reactions of a metal of group IIA with a non-metal of group VIIA.
15. Write the name of members of alkyne which contains an equal number of hydrogen and carbon. Write one uses of it.
16. "It is dangerous to use chemical pesticides for human health? Justify this statement by using your two arguments.
Group 'D'
Write long answers. 7×4=28
17. Write any two positive and negative impacts of digital technology in our daily life.
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