SEE | Compulsory Science and Technology Model Question | Set 3 | Of 2080-2024

see compulsory science and technology model question set3 of 2080-2024
DR Gurung
SEE Compulsory Science and Technology Model Question Set 3 Of 2080-2024
Today, we provide you the SEE Compulsory Science and Technology Model Question Set 3 of 2080-2024. Grade 10, Secondary Education Examination (SEE) will be starting on Chaitra 07, 2081 (March 20, 2025) and ends on Chaitra 19, 2081 (April 01, 2025). We hope the SEE Model Questions for Compulsory Science and Technology will definitely help you in your upcoming Exam. Good Luck!

Scroll down to Download SEE Compulsory Science and Technology Model Question Set 3 of 2080-2024 RE-1041 in pdf format which is 415 kb in size. Enjoy!

SEE Compulsory Compulsory Science and Technology Model Question Set 3 of 2080-2024.

Compulsory Science and Technology (SET 3)
Grade 10-Class 10
SEE – 2080 (2024)
Full Marks – 75
Time - 3 hrs

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Write an answer in your own creative way on the basis of given instructions.

Group 'A'

Multiple choice Question: 10x1=10

1. Write the best alternative of the following questions in the answer sheet.

(a) Which of the following represents analog signal?

(i) Infrared ray thermometer
(ii) Computer
(iii) Smart watch
(iv) Short wave radio

(b) Why is snail kept in Mollusca phylum?

(i) Body is divided into head, visceral mass, muscular foot and mantle.
(ii) Locomotion shows with the help of tube feet.
(iii) Body is divided into head thorax and abdomen.
(iv) They are found in moist soil and water.

(c) Shyam saw two invertebrates P and Q in a pond. He found that P is the first multicellular animal and Q is the first tissue graded animal. By studying these characteristics of the animals which of the following statement match?

(i) Organism P is diploblastic whereas organism Q is triploblastic.

(ii) Body of P bears pores whereas body of Q bears coelenteron.

(iii) The body of both P and Q are not diploblastic.

(iv) The body of both P and Q has tentacles.

(d) Which part of calamus is used for medicinal purpose?

(i) Rhizome
(ii) leaf
(iii) fruits
(iv) flower

(e) What would be the weight of a body of mass 20kg at distance 12000km from centre of the earth of mass 6 × 1024kg?

(i) 35N
(ii) 45N
(iii) 55N
(iv) 25N

(f) A ship going from sea to river has to displace more water, why ?

(i) Change the buoyant force
(ii) lower the buoyant force
(iii) maintain the same buoyant force
(iv) Increase the buoyant force

(g) Study the given figure and identify A and C?

(i) A - Red, C - Yellow
(ii) A - violet,  C - Red
(iii) A - Green, C - Violet
(iv) A - Red, C - Violet

(h) What is the value of Hubble's constant (H) ?

(i) 80km/s/Mpc
(ii) 83 km/s/Mpc
(iii) 70 km/s/Mpc
(iv) 73 km/s/Mpc

(i) If X is a metal, what is the valency of X in the following reaction?

X + 2HCl → XCl2 + H2

(i) 1
(ii) 2
(iii) 3
(iv) 4

(j) Organic matter is considered as a major source of water pollution caused by wastes of food, animal and human excreta, garbage etc. Which of the following is a threat to aquatic life due to the excess of organic matter in water?

(i) The lack of space available to aquatic life
(ii) Microorganisms consume dissolved oxygen to decompose organic matter.
(iii) Organic matter is swallowed by small animals.
(iv) Decomposition of organic matter increases the temperature of water.

Group 'B'

2. Write very short answers of the following questions. [9x1=9]

(a) In an experiment, density of water is measuring at different temperature. Which one is dependent variable in this experiment.

(b) Write the Archimedes' Principle.

(c) Write a difference between incident ray and emergent ray.

(d) Ravi has taken his mother to ophthalmic as he saw her reading the newspaper keeping more than 25cm from her eyes.

(e) What change occurs in output voltage if the number of turns in secondary coils is less than number of turns in primary coil?

(f) Write a difference between closed universe and open universe.

(g) At what temperature density of water becomes the highest?

(h) Why is hematite ore considered chief ore of iron?

(i) Write the structural formula of ethanol.

Group 'C'

Write short answers : 14x2=28

3. Check the correctness of the equation v2 = u2 + 2as2 by using unit wise analysis.

4. Write any two characteristics of monocotyledon plant.


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SEE Compulsory Science and Technology Model Question Set 3 of 2080-2024.

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DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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